Year 5 Day 1 & 2 Home Learning

Dear Year 5,

Please use this link to find the matrix which will guide you through the first two days' activities. These activities have been planned around Amelia Earhart and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Please log on to Google classroom to find templates for the English, maths and topic activities. The children have used Google Classroom and should know how to access it. If you have any problems, please use the Year5 email . Please watch the clip below for more details of the tasks.

Day 1 - Tuesday 5th January

Day 2 - Wednesday 6th January

For these two days please don't worry if you are struggling to upload their work to google classroom. However, we would love for the children to share their learning with use if they want to, or in one of our live sessions towards the end of the week.

In addition, please use TT Rockstars, Reading Eggspress and Mathletics on a daily basis.

We look forward to speaking to you all soon,

Helen and Catherine

Year 5 Days 1 & 2 planning
Year 5 day1 and day2.mp4