Year 4 Day 1 & 2 Home Learning

Dear Year 4,

Please click this link to use these plans and activities to spend the next two days exploring the lives of Jane Goodall and Tim Peake. Please complete an English, Maths and Topic activity each day. We would also like you to read for 20 minutes each day. This can be with an adult or independently. We have explained these activities in a video that you can watch below.

Day 1 - Tuesday 5th January

Day 2 - Wednesday 6th January

For these two days we won't be asking children or parents to upload their work to google slides or google classroom. However, we would love for the children to share some of their learning in one of our live sessions towards the end of the week.

We look forward to speaking to you all soon, the Year 4 team.

Day 1 Video

Day 2 Video

zoom_0 Day 1 Home Learning.mp4