Picture News

Picture News Monday 8th February 21

Picture News 08.02.21.mp4

Picture News Monday 1st February 21

Picture News 01.02.21.mp4

Picture News Monday 18th January 21

Picture News 18.01.21.mp4

The Evendons Jigsaw

Please download and print your jigsaw piece from this link: Jigsaw Piece

Remember we all make up one big Evendons jigsaw but we are all unique pieces!

Decorate your piece with the things that make you, well You!

Make sure your name and class are in your design somewhere but you could also include:

  • Hobbies

  • Passions

  • Family

  • Pets

  • Favourites

Put your finished piece up on your windows until we are able to bring them all in to school and complete our giant Evendons jigsaw. I look forward to seeing all your different ideas!


Picture News Monday 11th January 21

Picture News 11.01.21.mp4

Picture News Monday 8th June 20

Picture News 08.06.20.mov

Picture News Tuesday 12th May 20

Picture News 12.05.20.mp4

Picture News Monday 4th May 20

Picture News 03.05.20.mp4

Picture News Monday 27th April 20

Picture News 27.04.20.mp4

Picture News Monday 20th April 20

Picture News 20.04.20.mp4

People across the world are caught up in the extraordianry events going on around us. In Spain people who are staying in their houses have created colourful arts and crafts in their windows for neighbours and people walking by to enjoy. They often paint the message ‘Todo Saldra Bien’ which means everything will be fine.

Things to talk about at home...

  • What can you do to cheer up the people around you?

  • Are there people on your street that might need looking out for?

  • What would be your top five positive tips!

Share your thoughts and read the opinions of others on our discussion board: www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss

Virgin Galactic, owned by Sir Richard Branson, are one of the first companies intending to make space travel accessible to the public. The company have seen a big increase in the demand for the tickets for flights to space, the first of which will be taking place later this year. The company, who completed its first test flight in 2018, said it had received almost 8,000 registrations of interest for future commercial flights!

Things to talk about at home…

  • The cost to travel on Virgin Galactic are nearly £200,000 per ticket and there is a waiting list! Are you surprised that people are wanting to spend so much money on travelling to space?

  • If you were given the opportunity to travel into space, would you want to go? Talk about your reasons why.

Share your thoughts and read the opinions of others on our discussion board: www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss