Year 2 - Spring 2 Week 1 Home Learning

Dear Year 2,

We hope you all had a relaxing half term and are ready for our new topic. In reception you explored transport by land, in year 1 you explored transport by water and now we are going to explore transport by air! Our new topic will be all about FLIGHT and this week will be looking at space flight.

We will be investigating length and height in our maths work this week so please make sure you have a cm ruler and a tape measure. We are looking forward to catching up with you all on our Monday morning zoom call at 9:15.

Remember you will still have your 1:1 reading sessions this week, we will try and remind you on the day of your call but it might be a good idea to set a reminder!

Here is the link for the Spring 2 - Week 1 Timetable (Home Learning Grid).

Megan, Caroline, Emma & the Year 2 team