Week 3 w.b. 18.01.2021

Dear Reception,

Well done on completing your first, whole week of home learning! Thank you for all the effort you have put into the learning this week and for your focus and concentration on our live zoom sessions. You have all been amazing!

This week we will be continuing with our topic 'Transport' and have planned some more exciting activities for you to do at home. Please click here for this week's planning matrix.

This week we would also like to offer you the opportunity to spend some time with us 1:1 via zoom. Please click here for the timetable. During this time we may read with you, play a game, or just have a general chat and catch up about what you been up to at home. This is a time for you to share anything with us such as work you are proud of, something you have made or a toy you would like to show us.

See you on Monday!

Lucy and Emily :)

Zoom Links for the week:

If your child will not be joining the 9:15, 13:00 or their one to one zoom call, please could you email us at yearr@evendons-primary.co.uk

9:15 Live: Click here for Sindi class zoom link

9:15 Live: Click here for Jackson Class Zoom Link

11: 30 Optional Rhyme time: Sindi and Jackson click here (whole cohort together)

13.00 Live: Click here for Sindi class zoom link

13.00 Live: Click here for Jackson Zoom link

1 to 1 Zooms from 13:30 onwards: Click here for Sindi Class zoom link

1 to 1 Zooms from 13:30 onwards: Click here for Jackson Class Zoom Link

Parent Reception Home Learning Timetable Week 3 18.01.21