Year 1

Week 5 Home Learning

Dear Year 1,

This week we are reading the book 'Class 3 All At Sea' - all about a class of children who have an adventure at sea and meet some pirates! Would you like to be a pirate? Maybe we'll have a pirate dress-up day soon...

This week is also Wellbeing Week, so your afternoon sessions will look a little different; we want you to focus on expressing yourselves in a range of different ways. Instead of our class afternoon zoom sessions, you can use the document linked below to choose an activity to do; there are also a choice of other live sessions on there with some teachers you may see less often than us! We hope you enjoy this chance to have a break from some of your more academic learning and to do more creative tasks.

We'll see you on Zoom soon.

From Jo, Nicola, Emily and Victoria

Class 3 All At Sea.mp4

Class 3 All At Sea

Feb 2021 (New version) Mental Health Afternoons

Wellbeing Week - afternoon session plan