Year 2

Day 3 & 4 Home Learning

Dear Year 2,

Thank you so much for all your support so far in helping your child complete their activities from the matrix. We hope they enjoyed learning about David Attenborough and Milly Zantow.

Day 3 - Thursday 7th January

Live Zoom at 9:15 and 13:00

Day 4 - Friday 8th January

Live Zoom at 9:15 and 13:00

Please use this link to access the timetable for these two days. There are links to the live zoom sessions that the children will need to join on this timetable, we're hoping this goes as smoothly as possible but please bear with us! This is new to us all. We expect that all children take part in all live sessions, a register will be taken each morning and afternoon. Please contact the year group email if your child is unable to attend a session.

There are also some activities that we would like the children to complete which are explained on this grid. For this week, we will be looking at and marking 2 pieces of work on the children's slides. On the zoom call tomorrow, we will be talking to the children about trying their best with the tasks set and how we're not expecting work to be perfect and that mistakes will be made :)

If you're able to this week, have a look at our additional pages for Reading, Handwriting and useful links to websites that can support your child's learning in these areas.

For these 2 days and for the weeks going forward, below are the school's expectations of the amount of time children in Year 2 should be spending on their home learning.

We look forward to seeing the children on zoom tomorrow!

Megan, Caroline and Emma :)