Week 5 w.b. 01.02.21

Dear Reception,

Well done again for another great week of home learning, we are so impressed with how hard you have all been working!

This week we are having a whole school focus on wellbeing. In the morning you will join us for our daily zoom at 9:15 and complete Maths and English activities using the Week 5 Timetable. In the afternoon you can decide your activities from the Wellbeing week matrix. Why not work together and complete some of them as a family? All the activities have been chosen as something you can do to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Doing things we enjoy and expressing ourselves are important parts of staying happy and healthy! We hope you enjoy all the activities. You will also be able to join some live zoom sessions with Lucinda, Matt, Stacey, Alex and James.

Please also remember we will be continuing our 1:1 zooms this week with half of the class. Please note that Jackson zooms will be slightly different this week due to Lucy's commitments at school. For this reason, Karen will be starting one to one sessions from tomorrow. Days and times have changed so please check when your child's session will be, we would hate for them to miss it.

Please click here for Jackson class timetable.

Please click here for Sindi class timetable.

Here is the link for the Week 5 Timetable - Home Learning Matrix.

Emily and Lucy :)

Zoom Links for the week:

If your child will not be joining the 09:15 lesson or their one to one zoom call, please could you email us at yearr@evendons-primary.co.uk

9:15 Live: Click here for Sindi class zoom link

9:15 Live: Click here for Jackson Class Zoom Link

1 to 1 Zooms with Emily: Click here for Sindi Class zoom link

1 to 1 Zooms with Karen: Click here for Jackson Class zoom link

Reception suggested daily home learning:

Parent Home Learning Timetable Week 5 01.02.21