Year 1

Week 1 - Thursday and Friday Home Learning

Dear Year 1,

Well done for your home learning so far. Now we are looking forward to seeing you in our Zoom classes! We expect to see all of you in both of our live lessons each day and we'll be taking the register each morning and afternoon as we usually would in school. Parents and carers, please contact the year group email if your child is unable to attend a session:

Below this message are our learning timetables for the week. You will need to open the correct day's plan and click on the links on the timetable to access the Zoom classes and some of the other activities. We have tried to put as much information as we can in one place to make it user-friendly and child-friendly; we have several links in the documents that come in the form of pictures, with the idea being that your child will learn to recognise these and hopefully be able to access them independently so they will need less support from you. However, we don't expect this to happen overnight, so just do the best you can. Be kind to yourselves - this is a new way of working for all of us together and it is bound to take some getting used to.

By the end of the week, upload at least two pieces of English work, two pieces of Maths work and one piece of topic work onto your Google Slides document - the easiest way to do this is to take a photo. We can't wait to see your learning!

From Jo, Nicola, Emily and Victoria

Hubble and Jemison classes daily timetables:

Thursday 7th January

Friday 8th January