Feeling worried?

Feeling worried

Everyone experiences feeling worried at some point in time. This is very normal and it is a natural response which can be useful in helping us avoid dangerous situations and helping to solve problems.

How my body feels when I am anxious

You may feel nervous and on edge

You may be worrying alot

You may find it hard to relax

You may feel more angry than usual

1.Take time to breathe

Practise slow calm breathing. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth helps the body to feel safe and gives our minds something else to think about. Try belly breathing, bubble breathing, lift breathing and others that we have done at school.

2. Label your emotions

When you feel calmer you maybe able to recognise that you feel a certain way like angry or sad. Eg I am sad because I am missing school.

Here is an app you can use to connect with your feelings:-


Make a "Chill out" zone

Ask an adult if you can use cushions, a sheet, some chairs or any other household things to make a space just for you. This could be under the stairs or behind a desk. Go there when you feel you are getting worked up and you want to find peace. OR

Make a calm box

Use an old box or container and fill it with things that help you feel calm. eg small squidgy toys, photographs of a happy time, colouring and pencils, books, puzzles. If you have this ready, if you do feel tense and worried you can go straight to the box and know there are things there to help you.


Make a worry box

Use an old cylindrical container like a pringles tin or coffee tin or any box with a lid. With people in your family you can write any worries you have on small bits of paper and then put them inside. Close the lid and then the worries cannot escape. Decorate it however you like.