Year 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the Year 1 section of the Hub, where you will find information about your children's home learning for the next few weeks.

Below are our expectations of the amount and type of learning that Year 1 children should be doing at home. If your child is in one of the Keyworker groups at school they will be accessing some of this during their time at school and should work on the rest on their days at home. Please remember that the suggested timetable below is a guide only and that many children of this age will only be able to work in 15 minute chunks of time before needing a break, so in reality, with the exception of our live Zoom sessions, please get your child to work on tasks at the best time for you and your family. Many of you will be trying to balance working from home with your child's education; we are not expecting you to be able to do everything a teacher would do in school, it is simply not realistic. Most important of all is your child's, and your own, mental health; please, please make sure you are taking care of yourselves above all else.

We will be creating a new page each week and putting the week's worth of learning on it. We intend for all of the links and everything you need to be on here, with the exception of your child's individual Google Slides document which was shared with you by email, but if you are having any issues with accessing things, please do get in touch with us at and we will respond as soon as we are able.

We're really looking forward to seeing the children live again on Zoom!

Best wishes

Jo, Nicola, Emily and Victoria

Expectations of Year 1 children learning at home in Spring 2021

We expect that all children take part in all live sessions; a register will be taken each morning and afternoon. Please contact the year group email if your child is unable to attend a session:

Below is guidance for how much time children in Year 1 should be engaged in learning.

The daily timetables will be placed on the hub each week and will have all the links to the activities as well as the Zoom links for the live sessions. Each week we would like you to submit 2 pieces of Maths, 2 pieces of English and one piece of Topic work - the best way to do this is to upload photos of your child’s work that have been added to their google slides. To help us understand their learning better, you could write comments on them such as “My child did this work independently” or “My child needed support to remember how to write the ‘air’ sound.”


Please continue to practise our weekly spellings. Below are the words for each week.

Ideas for practising spellings:

Look, say, cover, write technique

Practising words in sand, paint or flour

Making up a song with the letters of the word

Use magnetic letters to spell the word.


We expect the children to practise handwriting every day, just as we would do each day at school. If your child is correctly forming letters and starting at the bottom of the line you can move on to joining letters and writing words. Please start by using the tricky words below. If your child is still finding particular letters tricky please just continue to work on their fluency with those letters. It is really important handwriting is modelled, particularly when children are beginning to join their letters. All letters must start at the bottom of the line. Handwriting can be completed in the green books.

The teach handwriting website has lots of support and videos demonstrating handwriting technique:

Please also take note of how we form each lower case letter at Evendons:


Oxford Owl for Home - Free online home reading books from the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. Just choose your child's book band colour.

We would like your child to use Reading Eggs to help boost their reading skills (there is also a phonics section that would be helpful for them to use)

Further websites to support learning

Mathletics (we have emailed you your log-in)

Purple Mash (we have emailed you your log-in)

BBC Bitesize (all subjects)

Phonics Play

Top Marks (English and Maths activities and games)

Roy The Zebra (English and reading games)

Scholastic Story Starters (English)

Dance Mat Typing

Lightbot - hour of coding (computing)

BBC bitesize computing

Cosmic Kids (yoga for exercise, concentration and wellbeing)