Year 2 - Week 6 Home Learning

Dear Year 2,

Wow!! It looks like you have all had such a brilliant time completing your wellbeing activities this week. It has been so lovely to see your creativity with lego, painting, knitting, baking, singing and dancing this week. We hope you have enjoyed the activities and will carry on with some of the new skills you have learnt over the last week. We have also been blown away with your fabulous poetry performances. we have seen your confidence, good pace, fantastic expression and actions. WELL DONE!

This is our last week of our topic all about birds and we really hope you have enjoyed learning about different types of birds, their diet and their habitats. From today (Monday 8th February) we will be going back to our two zoom sessions a day - these will be at 9:15 and our new time of 13:30. We would really like you to try and get some fresh air during your lunch break so you are ready and refreshed for the afternoon.

Remember you will still have your 1:1 reading sessions this week, we will try and remind you on the day of your call but it might be a good idea to set a reminder!

Here is the link for the Week 6 Timetable (Home Learning Grid).

Megan, Caroline, Emma & the Year 2 team