Year 1

Week 6 Home Learning

Yo ho, me Year 1 hearties! This week we're being pirates still! We are reading the story 'The Pirates Next Door' and on Thursday we are having a Pirate Day, when you can come to our Zoom classes dressed up as pirates - whether you're joining from home or from school - and we may even have a special pirate guest....!

On Tuesday it is Safer Internet Day. We will be doing some activities linked to this in our afternoon live zoom session. Before that class, please watch Fran's Safer Internet Day assembly which is here on the Hub - see the link in the purple section of our page below. If possible, please watch the assembly with a grown-up so you can talk with them about internet safety and they can answer any questions you have about how you use the internet at home.

On Friday it will be Chinese New Year so that will be our focus for our learning on what will be the last day of learning before a well-deserved half term break. During half term we want you to take the chance to switch off and relax - your holiday task is to stay away from screens as much as you can, take the time to play with your toys, to go outside as much as you can and to look after yourself, your friends and your family. Then you'll be ready and raring to go for some more learning the following week!

We'll see you on Zoom soon.

From Jo, Nicola, Emily and Victoria

Archie H's Chinese Dragon - Happy New Year, everyone!

The pirates nextdoor.mp4

The Pirates Next Door

Reception and Key Stage 1 Assembly 1.mp4

Fran's Safer Internet Day Assembly