Parent Support


We are very aware that children have had to be very adaptable recently, but so equally have parents. The pandemic and the necessary rules in place will have impacted in different ways in different families.

It is a good time as a parent to say “I am enough”. We all have to be kind to ourselves and acknowledge that the new demands on parents for working, teaching and housekeeping from home as well as “being the best mum or dad in the world” is a lot of expectation to put on ourselves.

Staying connected with others is important. I think a chat and sharing experiences with people in a similar position to yourself can really help. “A problem shared is a problem halved” is an old saying but a good one. Also calling an old friend for a catch up and a laugh can quickly lift your mood.

We teach the children that as long as we are doing our best that is enough. Here best stands for :

B-breathing. If pressures are getting overwhelming, take a time out to slow your breathing which in turn calms your thoughts.

E-endorphins. Use exercise to create endorphins or visualise happy experiences or try to recall a happy memory from the past.

S-smile. The act of physically smiling can lift your spirits which in turn can help us engage in a new way with any situations we may be finding difficult.

T-through it. Say to yourself ”I can get through this. This too will pass”.

Remember “you are not alone”- everyone is doing their best and everyone needs help at different times. We have been sent a link from “Talking therapies” which we are sharing with you.


Talking Therapies is a free NHS service here to support the residents of Berkshire aged 17+ who may be struggling with difficulties including: low mood, anxiety and stress at this unprecedented time.

We are currently offering a 4 week Stress Less course which you can access via the comfort of your own home. Please see attached leaflet for more information. If you would like to book onto the next available course please click on this link.

To find out more about the services offered by Talking Therapies please visit our website.