Week 2

w.b. 11.01.2021

Dear Reception,

Welcome to Week 2 of home learning! We could not be prouder of how hard you all worked last week and just how much was achieved at home. We were amazed at how quickly you adjusted to our zoom lessons and how eager you were to participate and show us your work! A huge thank you to your amazing parents too for all their help and support last week!

This week will be your first, whole week of home learning; we hope you enjoy all the activities that we have planned. We will be starting our new, exciting topic 'Transport' and this week we will be focusing on cars. Please follow this link to view this weeks home learning activities.

Along with our morning and afternoon zoom sessions, we also have an optional 'songs and rhyme' session at 11:30am every day. This will a be fun session where we can practise some rhymes we already know and learn some new ones too :)

We cannot wait to see what you get up to this week and to see all of your wonderful work on Tapestry.

See you on our Monday zoom call at 9:15am!

Lucy and Emily :)

Sindi Class Zoom Links:

9:15AM - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85193229566?pwd=WG16cmJRdWJhQXFaYjdVVjUxTnA5Zz09

1:00PM - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84350081152?pwd=VjZQU2FRZWR6U2Y3WmlQazZaMExaZz09

Parent Reception Home Learning Timetable Week 2 11.01.21