For the Week of  4/8 - 4/12

Dear HKMS Families,

This week we were thrilled to host the inaugural special education parent teacher organization (SEPTA) meeting here at Keller!  This new organization was the result of our special education director, Mrs. Katherine Matz and a dedicated group of parents. The vision of SEPTA is to cultivate and empower a devoted parent group who can represent, advocate for, and support our special education teachers, students, and families.  Please see the "happenings" section for pictures, slides, and ways to get involved.  

We also held an amazing celestial experience during the solar eclipse this week.  A huge shout out to our amazing PTO for proving snacks and water for the over 150 students and parents who stayed after school for the durations of the eclipse.   Check out all the picks in the happenings section. 

We added an "8th-Grade News" section of the newsletter, as there are so many events and opportunities that are coming up for our soon-to-be high schoolers.  There will be a combined 8th/9th grade dance for HKMS, JRMS and JBHS students on May 10 and the spring PSAT testing session is nearly here! See this new section for more information.  

When we return from break, we are nine days from the midpoint of the 3rd trimester (May 2) and only nine weeks (plus 2 days) left in the school year!  It's time to buckle up and hit the books hard for the home stretch. Some of the most engaging, challenging, and import content and experiences are just ahead!   I can't wait to see how our student rise to the occasion! 

Speaking of rising to the occasion, the week before break can be a stressful one, but our staff and students made it look easy.  Please be sure to check out the rest of this newsletter to see all the inspirational teaching and learning I had the privilege to see this week. 

For now, please be sure to enjoy time with family and friends. I hope everyone has a chance to rest, relax, and refresh, before the big  finish. Happy spring break!  


Steven Clapp, Ed.D.

A glimpse inside of the terrific teaching and learning going on this week at HKMS!

Grade 6

Mr. Bernardi's historians are researching some of the great (and no so great) leaders of Ancient Rome.

Our young writers are working with Mrs. Burke to test their knowledge of text structures with the cut and sort activity.

Grade 7

In 7th grade math students are working collaboratively on solving equations with a roundtable activity.  They complete 1 step of the equation and pass it to the next student.  They are then challenged to review the work of their peer and add on the next step in the equation solution.

Mrs. Rose's social scientists are  competing in an escape room to learn secrets of Africa! 

Grade 8

The great writer Verlyn Klinkenborg  once wisely wrote,"All writing is revision." Did you know that Earnest Hemingway rewrote the ending of Farewell to Arms 39 times?  These were not minor adjustments, but completely different endings!  Mr. Jockers is helping his writers to "trim the fat" from their editorials.  Mr. Jockers shared his personal experiences as a newspaper reporter whose stories sometimes were clipped to meet space requirements.  He provided several strategies and lots of concentration time to help students navigate this essential aspect of writing.  

Mr. Mac's scientists studied the adaptations plants have or have not made made to thrive or die in their environments. 

Grade 8 NEWS

This time of year, there is always so much coming at our 8th-graders and families.  We created this subsection here to highlight all the great events and opportunities!

Eighth Grade Students will be taking the PSAT 8/9 on Wednesday, April 24th.

Please take a moment to read the letter linked below.  


Please remind your 8th grader to CHARGE THEIR CHROMEBOOK the evening of Tuesday, April 23rd so it is fully charged for the PSAT.

HKMS & JRMS 8/9 PSAT Letter SPRING 2024-updated

HKMS, JRMS, and JBHS Grades 8&9 Dance!

Permission slips, how to buy tickets, and other information about the dance can be found by clicking on the flyer above, scanning the QR code, or copying this link into your browser:  Please note: All students need to print and bring a completed permission slip. Payment can be cash, check (made out to  Joel Barlow High School) or through myschoolbucks (for an additional $4.95 processing fee).


Students are creating beautiful landscapes in art.

The flying machines project in PLTW is evoking lots of creative designs and analytical thinking!

Orchestra students had to combine their music literacy and problem solving skills to solve an escape room style challenge.

Events, activites, and other occurrences that happened at HKMS this week outside of the classroom.

Special Education Parent Teacher Association (aka SEPTA)

It was standing room only at the inaugural SEPTA launch this week!  The new leadership team has some great ideas, events panned, and momentum to help serve this essential group of students and parents.  Please consider signing up to learn more by filling out the form below. 

Easton SEPTA Executive Board 

Jill Madeo, President

Jessica DelVecchio, Vice President

Elizabeth Drew, Treasurer

Megan Mones, Secretary

​You can contact them at:   

Special Education Parent Teacher Association April.pdf

The Solar Eclipse!

Here are a few more submissions from this week!

Smarter Balanced and the Next Generation Science Standards Assessments are coming soon!

SBA letter Spring 2024

Order a yearbook today before they are all sold out!!

Click HERE to submit your yearbook order!

Newspaper Club flyer
Green Playful Chalk Board School Bazaar Flyer.pdf

Please fill out the HW Club form linked here prior to Thursday

HKMS Extra Help Information 23-24

Updated COVID-19 Protocols message from Dr. McKinnon

CDC Change of Covid 19 Protocol

Easton's Here to Help Special Event! 

Does your child or a student you care about have (or want) a smartphone? Trying to keep them safe, and having a hard time keeping up with the multitude of apps? Join Easton’s Here to Help and Officer Rich Marsh for a presentation on “The Secrets of the Apps”. Register today at: and join us on April 30th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at Joel Barlow High School, 100 Black Rock Turnpike in Redding. Learn what could be hiding in plain sight on their smartphone. 

Officer Marsh will take a deep dive into the world of smartphone apps, and their hidden uses. If you are trying to get a better understanding of their digital world and the potential dangers surrounding anonymous messaging, multiplayer game platforms with built-in chat, social media, or secret storage apps that lock or hide, then please join us and stay for the Q&A session.

This presentation was created to give parents, guardians, and anyone else caring for school-aged children (from 3rd grade through high school) the information and resources that they need to make smart decisions about their child’s cellular phone use.

Events, entertainment, educational opportunities and at the EPL! 


Public Facing HKMS Spring Events Calendar 2024

