For the Week of  4/1 - 4/5

Dear HKMS Families,

If you did not get a chance to read Dr. McKinnon's message to the ER9 community about school climate concerns, I urge you to stop reading this newsletter (for a moment) and read his message linked here.  As our children become more exposed to the world at large, be it through social media, the news, or as a natural part of the maturation process, they will be exposed to more hurtful, toxic, and damaging types of speech.  As a middle school educator for 26 years, shocking language is not really a "new" part of my work with young adolescents.  It used to be cursing and mild teasing were the bane of the middle school teacher, but today the speech is much more intense, targeted, and derogatory.  Our school climate committee was already planning an advisory lesson on the power of our words (both positive and negative), and that seems even poignant now. No matter how well done this lesson is, we need your help at home. There are 8,760 hours in a year and 1,170 of those hours are spent at school.  In order to move the needle, please open up conversations with your youngsters about the power of their words.  

The Smarter Balanced Assessment (or SBA) is coming up in May.  SBA is our state required end-of-year test administered to all third-eighth graders annually.  These tests measure the growth of our children in the related Common Core Standards in reading, mathematics and science.   Please see our SBA parent and staff letter linked here for more information about the importance of these tests and how we use the results. I want thank Mrs. Gale (our library media specialist) and Mrs. Mohr for coming up with a creative schedule for SBAs this year, reducing the number of testing days from over twenty days to just nine days (note: an individual student will only test three times). 

Some new student offerings started this week and are coming up soon.  The ultimate frisbee club had its first meeting Wednesday and will meet for the next two months.  Please see the happenings section for the flyer and permission slip.  Over at the Easton Public Library, they are hosting an intro to Dungeons & Dragons. As a former D&D role player myself, I love the creative interplay, storytelling and problem solving required for this game.  If your child loves the "high middle ages" (knights, monsters, etc.), mythology, and role playing games, D&D may be a great screen-free activity for them to start. 

This week we offered out appreciation for two essential roles in our schools, our paraeducators and our assistant principal.  Interestingly these roles are both appreciated in the same week, as there is some essential overlap.  Both roles are supportive by nature, they need strong, intelligent, kind, and hard working individuals.  Both make things happen, often at the behest of “those in charge.” To be a para or AP means having to work closely with students who have behavioral challenges, they run around the school following a seemingly chaotic schedule.  The day is not theirs, they are expected to jump in where needed at moments notice, to be a substitute, a technician, a lunch buddy, or a disciplinarian. They are trusted adults to countless of our students and thrive by helping others to succeed. Today, please take a moment to show your appreciation for our incredible paras and our amazing assistant principal. 

Speaking of amazing, it was another amazing week of teaching and learning at Keller. Don't take my word for it, check it all out below! 

Wishing you a terrific weekend and Go Huskies!!


Steven Clapp, Ed.D.

A glimpse inside of the terrific teaching and learning going on this week at HKMS!

Grade 6

Sixth grade scientists are engaging in a culminating activity to show everything they have learned in the meteorology unit about reading, creating and interpreting weather maps.  

Mrs. Brodeur's students played a special version of the game "Headbanz" to help them practice ordering integers.

Mr. Bernardi's 6th grade students had incredibly insightful Socratic seminar discussions about the leadership qualities of Julius Caesar.  Students were articulate and well-prepared.  They backed up their statements with supporting evidence.  They were respectful of each other and self-managed the flow of conversation to help all voices to be heard.  

Grade 7

Seventh grade students in Mr. Rogers' ILA classes are knee deep in grammar lessons to strengthen their writing and reading skills while also starting to create presentations about the relationships and empathy lessons garnered from their book club books.  

Dr. Baca's scientists are theorizing a timeline of events that would happen to our earth if the sun disappeared!

Grade 8

Mr. Crawford is making good use of his document camera.  He posts the "answers" to the problems then asks students to challenge them.  HINT:  They are not all correct!

Students in Mr. Mac's class are studying the adaptations that have occurred with plant life in preparation for their hybrid animal project.  


Mr. Fearn's engineers always start by circling up and covering the expectations for the day's learning.  This week, 6th graders are designing career brochures in the engineering fields.

What would you do? Health classes are studying actions they can take when facing difficult moments in life. By researching various mental health ailments and treatments, students are empowered to take healthier actions.

Events, activites, and other occurrences that happened at HKMS this week outside of the classroom.

The HKMS Staff pulled off a hilarious April Fool's Switcheroo!  Everytime the song "Yakety Sax" was played on the loud speaker, staff ran around switching roles.  We had Dr. Baca answering phones in the main office, Nurse Grega teaching Spanish and Mr. Jockers taking temperatures.

Here are a few of our early submissions!

SBA letter Spring 2024

Order a yearbook today before they are all sold out!!

Click HERE to submit your yearbook order!

Newspaper Club flyer
Green Playful Chalk Board School Bazaar Flyer.pdf

Please fill out the HW Club form linked here prior to Thursday

HKMS Extra Help Information 23-24

Easton's Here to Help Special Event! 

Does your child or a student you care about have (or want) a smartphone? Trying to keep them safe, and having a hard time keeping up with the multitude of apps? Join Easton’s Here to Help and Officer Rich Marsh for a presentation on “The Secrets of the Apps”. Register today at: and join us on April 30th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at Joel Barlow High School, 100 Black Rock Turnpike in Redding. Learn what could be hiding in plain sight on their smartphone. 

Officer Marsh will take a deep dive into the world of smartphone apps, and their hidden uses. If you are trying to get a better understanding of their digital world and the potential dangers surrounding anonymous messaging, multiplayer game platforms with built-in chat, social media, or secret storage apps that lock or hide, then please join us and stay for the Q&A session.

This presentation was created to give parents, guardians, and anyone else caring for school-aged children (from 3rd grade through high school) the information and resources that they need to make smart decisions about their child’s cellular phone use.

Events, entertainment, educational opportunities and at the EPL! 


Public Facing HKMS Spring Events Calendar 2024

