For the Week of 10/31 - 11/4

Dear HKMS Families,

Mrs. Mohr and I had a chance to connect with nearly every student this week as we pulled all fifteen homerooms into a separate 20-minute mini-lesson on "ripple effects." Ripples are metaphors for the energy we put into the world through our words, actions, and behaviors. The power of this metaphor is using the example of waves moving through a pond, with an ever-expanding impact on calm and rough waters alike. We demonstrated how even a small classroom disruption or act of kindness can have far-reaching impacts on our entire community.  

During this lesson, we looked at our daily substitute return rate, a point of data I feel is very telling. Last year, six out of eleven of our daily subs did not return to HKMS for a second substitute experience.  If 55% of the people who sub here one day never come back, then there is more we can do for these guests when they come here to help.  Substituting in middle school is difficult, it may be one of the most challenging and important jobs we have in our schools.  Subs not only allow teachers to stay home when they or a member of their family are sick, but they also allow us to provide specialized training experiences that only happen during the school day.  When we do not have a sub for a teacher, we pull someone else off what they are supposed to do, often a paraeducator.  Our paras often are supporting students who struggle with academics, behaviors in school, or acquiring English.  If those students do not get the attention they require, their struggles can be exacerbated, making teaching and learning even more challenging.  

Showing the "ripple effect" of misbehaving for a substitute teacher, on everything from our daily operations to dynamic training experiences all the way through their relationships was powerful.  We then set forth a challenge for all of us to take on, creating more "positive ripples" when we have a sub in our school, classroom, or hallway.  Students will be brainstorming, planning, and providing ideas for us all to incorporate into how we make our guest teachers feel more welcome and respected when coming to HKMS.  I look forward to greatly improving our return rate with the help of our more cognizant students.  

As we head into another beautiful weekend, I hope you can take a few minutes to check out all the wonderful learning and teaching in this week's newsletter.  From surprising classroom peeks, to "spooky" happenings, and a new drive to thrive, this week's newsletter is full of the joy and excitement evident all around our learning community. Oh, and you have to check out the pictures of Dr. Mckinnon using his "touch sense" on a blind bag, maybe the best picture of the year! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Steven Clapp, Ed.D.


Helen Keller Middle School

Find your strength, build upon it, and share it!

Grade 6

6th Grade ILA students (and our Superintendent) used their five senses to experience a spooky sensory interactive lesson. Then students put those experiences into descriptive words and phrases and finally into a festive story or poem.  

Dr. McKinnon joined in the sensory activity in Mrs. Burke's 6th grade ILA class.  Based on the look on his face, what do you think is in that bag?!?!

Above, students in French class are poling each other in French while Spanish students are designing their dream rooms. (Next week they will be videotaping "guided tours" of their dream rooms.)

Grade 7

Students were practicing adding and subtracting expressions with the distributive property in math classes this week. In this activity, they worked in pairs, small groups, or independently to complete the given task cards. To up the ante, the expressions had a variety of positive and negative integers and rational numbers.

7th grade ILA students are identifying figurative language in a text.  They are noting the frequency of its usage and practicing how they can use it more in their own writing.  

Grade 8

1 Picasso Collision 2022.mp4
2 Picasso Colliision 2022.mp4
3Picassso Collision 2022.mp4

PASCO Cart Collisions in Mr. Mac's class challenges the students to adjust the weight and gravity variables to impact the potential you get to crash stuff together!  Pro Tip: As you watch the videos above use the slow-motion opens a whole new world of observations!

Last Friday students in social studies presented their research and projects on various groups involved in the American revolution.

Social studies classes pivoted from the American Revolution to the Flags of HKMS, working on an inquiry-based project where they posed and answered questions about the 44 flags that represent the various cultures and national heritages of our learning community.  From symbolism in the flags to how this display represents our community were parts of key discussions the students explored. 


The students in health class are working on enhancing their social-emotional self-awareness by writing “I Am Enough” poems. These poems help remind themselves that they are more than just a student, an athlete, a musician, or an artist… they are so much more, they are enough! 

Seventh-grade students designed structures that can withstand high winds.  They tested their designs under intense conditions using fans of different strengths.  

Amazing things happening in trimester 1 of art!  Check out the photo portfolio that they have named "Art on the 103 Boulevard - Season 1".  It's definitely a series not to be missed!!!

The perfect post-Halloween activity in health class

Students analyzed how much sugar is in different types of candy and compared that info to the recommended 6 tablespoons of daily sugar intake for children and teens.  

At HKMS we believe all students should be thriving whether performing below, at, or above grade-level standards.  This section will highlight just one of the ways we support learners and/or extend their thinking. 

Drive to Thrive.pdf

Spooky Day at HKMS!

Halloween was a ton of fun with lots of creative, fun, and scary creatures roaming the halls...oh, and can you find Waldo?  Once you find Waldo, can you figure out which staff member is dressed as him?  She fooled a bunch of us! 

Dr. McKinnon even stopped by with an alligator!  (J.K. It was just his dog Harley in costume!)

Wingman has taken flight at HKMS!

Dylan's Wings of Change is an organization created in memory of Dylan Hockley, who lost his life in the Sandy Hook tragedy.  Dylan had autism and his parents noticed that he would move his arms up and down like the wings of a butterfly whenever he felt happy.  They also noticed that he was filled with joy when a peer would go out of their way to connect with him, despite his social struggles.  Ian Hockey, Dylan's Dad, created the Wingman program as a way to empower students lead positive change in their communities.  

Our Peer Leaders, under the direction of Dr. Baca, underwent 2 days of Wingman training this week. This training was led by official Wingman Trainer Heather Wlochowski. The Wingman Youth Leadership training aims to "leverage the power of peer-to-peer learning to bring our experiential education based program to youth organizations of all sizes and ages. They train cohorts of youth leaders to become facilitators able to run activities that enhance connectivity and kindness."  

Please join us in welcoming Mrs. Erin Wolsencroft to our family of educators. She is joining our math interventionist team as a part-time paraeducator.  Mrs. Wolsencroft recently moved to Redding from the South Shore Area of Massachusetts, so she is a fully vetted Red Sox fan.  While in Mass., she worked at East Boston High School where she was a language arts teacher, special education teacher, civics teacher, and a teacher for Advancement via Individual Determination.  After East Boston, she became the chair of the special education department for Marshfield Public Schools at the elementary level.  More importantly, she is raising 3 children, the youngest of whom just started at RES.  So, she is looking to dip her toes back into the world of public school education!

Welcome aboard Mrs. Wolsencroft

Help the Keller Cooking Club!!

A group of students created and presented a proposal to start a cooking club at HKMS and thanks to the PTO, it is going to happen!!   We need to your help gather basic equipment to the the club up and running.  If you have some extra mixing bowls or cutting boards laying around, you can donate them to the KCC (Keller Cooking Club)!  Simply click on the sign up genius link below then drop off your donations inside the front door of HKMS.  There is a box waiting to receive it all.

Link to Sign Up Genius for Cooking Club Donations

Renderings of the ELF Cafeteria's Innovative Space Redesign! Click here to get involved! 

School Spiritwear Store!

All proceeds go to the PTO!

Keller Educational Discussions

Do you have an area of expertise middle schoolers can learn from? Do you like sharing? We want you to give a KED-Talk! 

Click here for more information and to sign up!

                                               (TOPIC: Adolescent Brains and Social Media)

                                               (TOPIC: Adolescent Brains and Restorative Practices)



