For the Week of 10/24 - 10/28

Dear HKMS Families,

"Friend-shifting" is the term we use in middle school for the almost inevitable drift that occurs in all relationships.  Think about your own adolescent friendships, chances are most, if not all of those relationships have faded or totally dissolved.  During adolescence, these shifts can be traumatic as emotions always run at very high levels and all social perceptions are intensified by strong brain chemicals like dopamine.  Whenever a friend-shift happens usually one of the friends is more hurt than the other and has trouble navigating these changes.  This is when friendship drama occurs and can be all-consuming for our young folks. When you find your child embroiled in a friend-shift or friendship drama, there are some “do's” and some “dont's” that are effective in helping your child navigate these potentially traumatic times.  @BigLifeJounal is an Instagram feed that has perfectly put together some slides of these “do's and don’ts.”  I’ve included screenshots of the slides, or you can go to the posting found here.

Last night at the Mikey’s Way Comedy Night, Mrs. Mohr was honored with the “Be Like Mikey” award.  For those who don't know, Mikey Friedman was an Easton resident, an SSES, HKMS, and JBHS student who, after being diagnosed with cancer,  used his Make-a-Wish to create a foundation that gives children in cancer treatment electronic devices (from ipads to x-boxes) to help them pass the time during long and painful treatment sessions.  Mikey’s Way is his legacy and Mrs. Mohr has been one of the foundation's biggest champions, having coordinated dozens of events, spearheaded fundraisers, and raised awareness about Mikey’s mission.  Most importantly she has kept Mikey’s memory alive in the halls of HKMS and with the students who pass through our doors every year.  I can think of no more deserving individual for such an honor.  

This week at HKMS was another terrific five-day week (we’re getting on a roll now!).  Please take a few minutes to enjoy all the classroom peeks, happenings, an insightful counselor’s corner, and a whole bunch of new upcoming events all in this week's newsletter. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Steven Clapp, Ed.D.


Helen Keller Middle School

Find your strength, build upon it, and share it!

Grade 6

Mrs. Maggi's scientists are calculating which specific troposphere gas is consumed during combustion (burning) and how much of it is lost during this process. They utilize qualitative and quantitative data to explain the validity of a given hypothesis and explain relationships between the tested variables and observed results.

Our social scientists are analyzing the evolution of stone age tools impacted by the Neolithic Revolution (the invention of farming, c. 11,000 BCE).  Mr. Bernardi is having students use the RACE strategy to improve their responses.

Grade 7

Dr. Baca's scientists are learning  about the periodic table of elements and researching one specific element. I heard Dr. Clapp say, "I really love the periodic table. Well, not always, but every now and again" (sigh). 

Mr. Rogers' students create infographics about their global issues book, an essential part of the interdisciplinary unit with social studies. 

Grade 8

Grade 8 French and Spanish students are conducting interviews with their classmates around the topic of family.  These interviews are completed in the target language. 

Mr. Jockers students seen here are taking advantage of the beautiful hallway light and extra space to analyze the utopian themes found in their dystopian novels! 


Our young artists creating their portfolios to store their work and creatively express their names this week!

Mr. Breyer's PE class having fun with Playing Card Fitness!

Mrs. Gidley's chorus class took advantage of the cafeteria this week to listen and record.  Sometimes alone, in small or larger groups.  Just one of the ways our students can use this space innovatively!

Sara Terry, MS, NCC, LPCA
School Counselor

Throughout the month of October, eighth graders excitingly attended alternative high school presentations! Although most students will go on to attend Joel Barlow (which is an awesome school), it is exciting for students to begin planning their high school career and really start digging deep as to what their interests are versus disinterests and attend information sessions on alternative high schools. We had the pleasure of hosting Trumbull Agriscience, Fairchild Wheeler, and the Regional Center for the Arts thus far. Abbott Tech has sent over some great information, including open house dates for interested students.

Next steps for high school transition include sifting through the Barlow Program of Studies and talking about course placements. Here at HKMS, we use many forms of data to make informed decisions as to high school course placements for math and science. All 9th graders take the same ILA and Social Studies course or have the option of taking a hybrid ILA/SS. Students will begin to look into elective courses that match student interests and talk about the big word “credits.” Vocabulary is essential to understand when completing course selections in January/February, therefore, Allison Gale (Library Media Specialist) and I have partnered together this year to develop classroom lessons that will incorporate college and career readiness vocabulary, such as “credits” or “transcript” or “Honors vs AP.”

These are fun times that can feel a bit stressful and overwhelming for our scholars. My recommendation is to continue this step-by-step process that will ultimately bring us to the biggest picture which is preparedness for course selection by February 2023. Have conversations with your child(ren)- ask them what some of their interests are and what careers look interesting to them. I know this will change a hundred times, but the whole purpose of college & career readiness at this point in their lives focuses on exploring interests and starting to develop a sense of who they are, what their skillset looks like, and who they can picture to be. I look forward to continuing this journey with our 8th graders!

The first meeting of the student council executive board! 

HKMS Halloween Guidelines

Halloween is quickly approaching. It is fun to recognize the spirit of the day, but we want to ensure that the costumes do not impact students’ abilities to focus and learn in school.  Dressing up is optional, but, if your child would like to dress up on Monday 10/31, please work with them to ensure that the following guidelines are met.

Halloween here at Keller will be festive, but it will still be a normal school day; we will be following a normal class schedule.  We hope to enjoy good laughs with lots of learning, too!  Thank you for your support in ensuring that Halloween is a “magical” experience for all here at HKMS.  

Garden Club

Renderings of the ELF Cafeteria's Innovative Space Redesign! Click here to get involved! 

School Spiritwear Store!

All proceeds go to the PTO!

Keller Educational Discussions

Do you have an area of expertise middle schoolers can learn from? Do you like sharing? We want you to give a KED-Talk! 

Click here for more information and to sign up!

Dear HKMS Parents and Guardians,

The climate of a community lives and breathes in the words we speak, the actions we display, and a deep commitment to learning and connecting.  Listening...truly listening to our students is the key to continuous growth and improvement of their learning environment,  

Last year, HKMS ran a school climate advisory committee made up of  HKMS parent volunteers, HKMS staff volunteers, and HKMS student representatives.  This committee comes together a few times during the school year to listen to student voice and brainstorm ideas to share out with community groups that raise awareness of concerns and infuse even more joy into our school.   It was an awesome experience last year 

and we can't wait to get started for this year!!

Volunteers Needed

Please email me if you are interested and able to be part of our committee this year. It is essential you are able to be here during the school day to participate in these inspirational and busy work sessions. My email address is

The magic of HKMS is that we all feel a shared responsibility for the well-being of our students and believe that student voice is the key to creating a supportive and growth-minded learning environment.  

Thank you in advance.


Annie Mohr, 

Assistant Principal

Helen Keller Middle School

Find your strength, build upon it, and share it!

                                               (TOPIC: Adolescent Brains and Social Media)

                                               (TOPIC: Adolescent Brains and Restorative Practices)



