Food Service

For the 2024-2025 School Year, since the Eastern York School District participates in the School Breakfast Program, we will be serving students a school breakfast meal at no charge.  The District will still charge for additional breakfast meals and A la Carte breakfast items.  

The District has also been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision at each of our elementary buildings. Students attending Canadochly Elementary, Kreutz Creek Elementary, and Wrightsville Elementary will receive free breakfast and lunch meals. The District will still charge for additional meals and A la Carte items. 


Food shortages are nationwide, and our District is also experiencing unavailable items, last-minute replacements, and rescheduled deliveries.  Menus are subject to change and the District will do its best to keep you informed of any changes.  Please take time to review menus daily.

We appreciate your patience and understanding.!  We look forward to serving your students during the 2024-2025 school year.

High School/Middle School

Breakfast Free

Reduced Breakfast Free

Regular Lunch $2.65

Reduced Lunch $0.40

A La Carte Milk $0.50

Elementary School

Breakfast Free

Reduced Breakfast Free

Regular Lunch Free

Reduced Lunch Free

A La Carte Milk $0.50

Please make checks payable to: 

EYSD Café Fund 

(Eastern York School District Cafeteria Fund)


Questions about our District's food services should be directed to that department at (717) 252-1555.

Starting in the 2011/2012 school year, monthly menus will not be sent home with students.

High School and Middle School students may deposit monies on account for the computerized debit system. Students are encouraged to make deposits on the first school day of the week. However, monies will be accepted daily to maintain sufficient account balances. These deposits can be made in the cafeteria before the start of classes. Pre-paid lunches are honored at all serving lines (for all meals).

Canadochly Elementary, Kreutz Creek Elementary, and Wrightsville Elementary students may deposit monies on account through the computerized debit system. Students are encouraged to make deposits on the first school day of the week. However, monies will be accepted daily to maintain sufficient account balances. Classroom teachers collect deposits.

Free & Reduced Meals

Eastern York School District provides free or reduced-price breakfasts/lunches for qualified students. Each student is provided with an application for benefits and a letter of explanation. Applications will be accepted at any time throughout the school year. Reduced-price lunches are $0.40 per day. Reduced-price breakfasts are $0.30 per day. A new application must be submitted each school year.

S-EBT (SUN Bucks) Program Update

Please note that the Department of Human Services (DHS) has a new Summer-EBT webpage for assistance at Do not use any previous links. 

Statewide Customer Service Center - 1-877-395-8930

York County Assistance Office - 1-800-991-0929

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

 Eastern York School District & the “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act”

We are meeting the federal nutrition standards for school meals, ensuring that meals are healthy and well-balanced, and providing students with the nutrition they need to succeed at school. 

Our schools are meeting standards requiring:

We are constantly working to improve student breakfast and lunch choices and tastes.  Please encourage your students to choose school breakfast & lunch!