Annual Notices


Eastern York School District invites parents and guardians of students to review the following Annual Notices for Parents/Guardians. Scroll through this page to view all notices and attachments.

Please do not hesitate to contact your school principal with any questions or concerns abut the information contained in these notices.

(AEDY) Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth 

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

On October 22, 1986, President Reagan signed into law an amendment to the Toxic Substance Control Act  requiring schools to determine the presence of asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) in school buildings. That amendment, called the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) required that all school buildings are visually inspected by accredited inspectors and that bulk samples of suspected materials are taken where the material was not assumed to be asbestos. It further required that management plans be created for each individual building and that the maintenance and custodial personnel receive training. The plan must be implemented and the training must be completed by July 9, 1989. This document is the Asbestos Management Plan which provides the means and the methods to effectively deal with asbestos containing building materials.

All phases of asbestos inspection and management planning are reported in this plan including response action strategy, priorities, scheduling of abatement activities coordination of personnel and evaluation of results. The plan has an additional function as a reporting document to that State.  At the local level, the school district must have the plan available for general review by the public.

Canadochly Elementary School, Kreutz Creek Elementary School, and the district’s maintenance garage have asbestos containing building material in various locations. In accordance with Federal regulations, every three years these areas are inspected to determine if the condition of the known or suspected ACBMs has changed and to make recommendations on managing or removing the ACBMs.

Please visit the Buildings and Grounds page to view the annual notification memo and three-year report.

Chapter 15 (Protected Handicapped Students)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by Chapter 15 (Protected Handicapped Students).

Annual Notice of Special Education Services and Programs, Services for Gifted Students, and Services for Protected Handicapped Students (English)
Annual Notice of Special Education Services and Programs, Services for Gifted Students, and Services for Protected Handicapped Students (Spanish)

Child Find (Special Education)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students to describe the special education programs and services that are available, the process by which each of the school entities screens and evaluates students to determine eligibility for special education services, gifted services, or Chapter 15/504 services, and information regarding the confidentiality of student educational records.

Child Find (Special Education) Annual Public Notice

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

CHIP is short for the Children's Health Insurance Program - Pennsylvania's program to provide health insurance to all uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance. There are a lot of reasons kids might not have health insurance - maybe their parents lost a job, don't have health insurance at work or maybe it just costs too much. Whatever the reason, CHIP may be able to help. All families need to do is apply today.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Annual Notice

Free and Reduced Lunch

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Free and Reduced Lunch Program.

Eastern York School District participates in the National Free and Reduced Lunch Program. Students from families who qualify (under federal guidelines) will receive lunches and breakfasts free or at a reduced cost. All students in grades K-12 may purchase free or reduced meals through the point-of-sale system. Applications are available at all school building offices and at the Educational Service Center. These applications may be filed at any time throughout the school year for any family experiencing net income changes. All information is confidential; discrimination is not permitted in accordance with district, state and federal requirements. New applications must be submitted annually. 

Click the link below to download the 2013-2014 Printable Application Form or to Complete the On-Line Form for Free & Reduced School Lunch.

Free/Reduced Lunch Application Packet

Free/Reduced Lunch On-Line Application

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

IDEA Procedural Safeguards Notice

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to

parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in

accordance with the regulations set forth by Public School Code Section

772.1, Act 35 of 2002, Integrated Pest Management Programs and Section

772.2, Act 36 of 2002, Notification of Pesticide Treatments at School.

Integrated Pest Management Plan

McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the McKinney Vento Act (Homeless Students).

McKinney Vento Act Notice (English)

McKinney Vento Act Notice (Spanish)

Education for Homeless Youth

Education about McKinney Vento

No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by No Child Left Behind (NCLB):

Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)

Eastern York School District provides the following Annual Notice to parents and guardians of Eastern York School District students in accordance with the regulations set forth by Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).

Pupil Rights Amendment Annual Notice

Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination

Eastern York School District will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, or handicap or because a person is a disabled veteran of the Vietnam Era, in its admissions, educational programs, activities, or employment policies. Publication of this policy is in accordance with state and federal laws including the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Inquiries should be directed to the ADA coordinator and Title IX coordinator, Dr. Rita Becker, at Eastern York School District, P.O. Box 150, Wrightsville, PA 17368-0150 717.252.1555.

Please see District Policies No. 103 and 104 for more information.