Entrance Requirements

**The levels/grades indicated below are the minimum acceptable but possession of these qualifications in no way guarantees acceptance.

**Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students can use one of the following qualifications to replace HKDSE Chinese Language Level 3 to meet the entrance requirement.

• HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese “Attained” or above

GCEAL/AS Chinese grade E or above

GCSE/IGCSE Chinese grade C / grade 4 or above

General Entrance Requirements

*Certain programmes will accept one relevant Applied Learning subject for meeting the entrance requirements.

[Attained with Distinction (II): Level 4 / Attained with Distinction or Attained with Distinction (I): Level 3]

*Other Language subjects (Category C) will be accepted as elective subjects. [Minimum requirement: Grade E]

*Applicants who fall short slightly on the general entrance requirements but meet the following conditions will be specially considered for admission:

a) with one HKDSE subject result falling one level below the required level but attain a total score of 26 points# or above in the best five subjects [# 5** = 8.5, 5*=7, 5=5.5, 4=4, 3=3, 2=2, 1=1 and U=0]; and

b) have selected PolyU’s programmes as their Band A choices in JUPAS; and

c) passed an admission interview

Programme-Specific Entrance Requirements

  • No compulsory subject requirement for all schemes / programmes. Only preferred subjects, which carry the highest weighting in the calculation of admission scores, are listed.

  • Nursing [BSc (Hons) in Nursing & BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing]:

Level 3 or above in at least two HKDSE elective subjects (Category A)