Other Pathways


Graduates with vocational aptitudes can pursue vocational and professional education and training or employment. Courses offed by the Vocational Training Council (VTC) cover a wide range of industries and enjoy good recognition in the related industries.

有志投身社會的畢業生,可報讀職業專才教育課程選擇就業職業訓練局 (VTC) 提供多類課程,內容涵蓋各行各業,這些課程在相關行業認受性高。

For students of the HKDSE, if they obtain Level 2 in 3 subjects in the HKDSE (if English Language is not one of these subjects, applicants are required to attain Level 1 in it.), they may apply for the Diploma of Foundation Studies program. For students who have completed Secondary 6 education, they can apply for the Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) program.

學生如有意從事某個行業,不論他們持有何種學歷,均可考慮報讀職訓局的課程。在中學文憑試中3科考獲第2者(如3科成績不包括英國語文,英國語文須達第1級) ,可報讀基礎課程文憑;完成中六教育者,可報讀職專文憑

For students who cannot get satisfactory HKDSE results for various further studies options can pursue the Diploma Yi Jin program. Upon completion of the eight required modules, Diploma Yi Jin graduates will obtain a qualification deemed comparable to the attainment of "Level 2 in 5 subjects” in HKDSE for entry to HD and AD programs.

另外,如果學生在中學文憑試未能考獲滿意的成績,可報讀毅進文憑課程。在完成8個科目後, 毅進文憑畢業生可獲得等同中學文憑試5個科目達第2級」的資格,以報讀高級文憑或副學士課程。

Apart from furthering their studies, HKDSE graduates also have the option to enter the job market. Government accepts results in the HKDSE for the civil service appointment. Details can be found at www.csb.gov.hk.

除了繼續升學外,學生考畢中學文憑試後也可選擇就業。政府接受中學文憑試成績作為投考公務員的要求,詳細資料載於公務員事務局網頁(www.csb.gov.hk) 。