Choices other than JUPAS


Tips for Choosing Post-secondary Programmes not covered by the JUPAS


If you are not confident in getting a place through JUPAS, you may consider post-secondary programs not covered by JUPAS. These programs cover both publicly-funded and self-financing programs. Self-financing programs include degree and sub-degree programs. 同學如沒有信心循聯招獲得課程取錄,但又打算繼續升學,又或者聯招系統內沒有自己心儀的課程,可選擇入讀聯招以外的專上課程。這些課程涵蓋政府資助及自資課程。自資專上課程包括自資學位及副學位課程兩大類。

You may apply for locally accredited sub-degree and bachelor's degree programs not covered by JUPAS on E-APP. (Remember that E-APP is just an application platform. You may be requested for an application fee $100-$350 and to handle other admission matters according to the policy of individual institutions.) 畢業生可用「專上課程電子預先 報名平台」(E-APP) 報讀全日制經本地評審非聯招副學位和學士學位課程 。跟聯招不同,同學向各院校的申請是獨立的,有機會在聯招以外獲得多於一個專上課程取錄。但同學須緊記, E-APP只是一個統一的申請平台,同學仍需個別向各院校繳交報名費或處理其他手續

Within 4 working days from the release of examination results, students who confirmed offers are required to pay $5,000 as for enrolment deposits. The deadline for E-APP main round application is on 23 May 2022 and the second round application is from 27 May to 11 July 2022. 而在放榜後的四個工作天內,獲取錄的同學亦需繳付約五千元的留位費作實。由於院校的課程學位有限,我們建議同學儘量於放榜前辦理申請,避免出現考生一窩蜂排隊但向隅的混亂情況。

Students can visit for program information of JUPAS and non-JUPAS. For information about SSSDP, program duration, tuition fees, academic accreditation, professional recognition of a program and career, students can visit Concourse for Self-financing Post-secondary Education, Information Portal for Accredited Post-secondary Programmes and Qualifications Framework. 同學可利用e導航-新學制多元出路」搜尋各聯招或非聯招的專上教育課程,以及瀏覽「自資專上教育資訊平台」 、經評審專上課程資料網及資歷名冊上的資料,查詢各自資課程內容、修讀年期、學費、學術評審、專業認證及畢業生出路等有用資訊。

In choosing self-financing sub-degree and degree programs, the following should be noted: 同學選擇課程時,宜留意下列數點:
  1. Your interest.
興趣先行: 由於同學於副學位課程的成績會直接影響你銜接大學或就業的機會,若選擇沒有興趣的課程,實際上等同於把銜接大學學位或受聘的機會拱手相讓! 同樣地,完成一個自己興趣不大的自資學位課程後,僱主或研究院的收生人員也因感受不到你的熱誠而對你的印象大打折扣。
  1. Quality of institution.
  1. Academic accreditation and professional recognition of a program.
評審認受:這裡是指課程的學術評審及專業資格認受。 無論是學位或副學位課程,其學歷和課程質素要獲得政府承認,或同學欲為修讀該課程而申請「專上學生資助計劃」,都必先經過香港學術及職業資歷評審局評審。同學可登入經評審專上課程資料網 ,查詢心儀課程的 學術評審及專業資格認受情況。同樣地,有些專業課程的 畢業生可同時獲得業界的專業認可(如社工、護理),或 豁免有關專業試(如會計),同學選擇時必須查閱清楚。
  1. Learning outcomes and articulation opportunities for further studies.
目標學歷及升學銜接:一般來說,副學士較側重通識等共通能力,準備同學升讀大學;而高級文憑則着重學科的專業訓練,預備同學就業;而不少自資學士學位的畢業生也會繼續修讀碩士學位或立即投身相關行業。同學選擇時,宜先釐清自己的短長期目標在職場上,僱主傾向聘請以專業訓練為主的高級文憑畢業生。而同學若打算升學,就必須先做好功課,搜查有關課程畢業生升讀大學比率的資料, 並小心求證。原則上,同學若修讀在大學有相對應學科的副學位課程,較容易循非聯招途徑銜接政府資助的學士學位課程。
  1. Program duration and tuition fees.
修讀年期及學費:無論是副學位或學士學位課程,同學考慮修讀時,宜先預計達到目標學歷所需的修讀年期及學費,跟家人事先商量,以免辛辛苦苦考取學位後卻換來 「一身債」。

There are numerous post-secondary programs not covered by JUPAS and thus students are advised to make adequate preparation for choosing the most suitable program. 由於聯招以外的專上課程林林總總,五花八門,同學必須預早規劃和準備,做好資料搜集,切勿在放榜後短短數日內草率決定。