Aircraft Maintenance Engineer


Duties 職責

Aircraft maintenance engineers maintain and repair the aircraft to ensure the aircraft operation properly and safely, and also safeguard the lives of the passengers and cabin crew. Aircraft maintenance is carried out in four sections: general maintenance, structural maintenance, the engine and aircraft frames maintenance and the communications and electronic maintenance. The main duties are as follows:


  • Repair aircraft structural damages 維修飛機結構性損壞

  • Routine inspection and tire replacement 保養、檢查及更換飛機輪胎

  • Inspection and maintenance of the aircraft engine system 保養和檢查飛機引擎系統

  • Maintain aircraft cockpit communication and electronics systems 維修駕駛艙的航空器通訊及電子系統

Working hours 工作時間

Approximately 48 hours a week, work in shift


Working environment 工作環境

Work in air fields, hangars and repair stations; sometimes need to endure hot and cold temperatures when handling tasks outdoors


Personality 職業性格配對

  • Attention to details 處事仔細

  • Patient 有耐性

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

  • Aircraft Machine Maintenance Engineer 飛機維修員

Approximately $10,000 - $14,000

  • Aircraft Machine Maintenance Tradesman 飛機維修技工

Approximately $15,000

  • Approved Maintenance Technician 維修核準簽證技術員

Approximately $20,000

Note: The reference salary may vary according to the company and experience. 薪酬視乎工作經驗、公司等而定

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) 中學文憑試或以上程度,或同等學歷

  • A good command of spoken and written English and Chinese 良好中英文書寫及會話能力

Industry Sharing 行業分享