Airline Ground Crew


Duties 職責

Ground crew is responsible for providing customer services in the airport for passengers from different countries. Their main duties are as follows:


  • Assist passengers in departure procedures 為離境旅客辦理登機手續

  • Check passenger travel documents and flight ticket 檢查旅客的旅遊證件和機票

  • Seat allocation and baggage arrangement for passengers 處理座位安排、行李寄艙、貨運安排

  • Attend to customer enquiries 提供客戶服務,解答旅客查詢和疑問

Working hours 工作時間

42 hours a week, work in shift or may require work overtime


Working environment 工作環境

Work in restricted and/or non-restricted area in the airport


Personality 職業性格配對

  • Patient 有耐性

  • Helpful 熱心助人

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

  • Ground crew 客運服務員

Approximately $14,000 - 16,000

  • Customer service manager (level 1/2/3) 服務主任(分1/2/3級)

Approximately $15,000 - 20,000

  • Customer service supervisor (level 1/2) 督導員(分1/2級)

Approximately $22,000 or above

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • Level 2 or above in five subjects (including English) in HKDSE , or equivalent


  • Comply with the language proficiency requirements of the airline.


  • Fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin


Industry Sharing 行業分享