Travel Consultant


Duties 職責

The travel consultant can work at the ticket department, team department, cruise line, free trip and so on, providing various tourism products and services for customers. The main tasks are as follows:


  • Sales of tourist products, including air tickets, package tickets, cruise holidays, etc


  • Provide guests with itinerary preparation and related advisory services


  • Provide visa information or formalities


Working hours 工作時間

About 45 hours a week 每星期約45小時

Working environment 工作環境

Work in a travel agency旅行社分行工作

Personality 職業性格配對

  • Good communication skills 善於溝通

  • Helpful 熱心助人

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

  • Travel Consultant Assistant 助理旅遊顧問

Approximately $10,000 or above

  • Senior Travel Consultant 高級旅遊顧問

Approximately $20,000 or above

Note: The reference salary and the promotion salary may vary according to the company, experience and ability.

註: 薪酬參考及晉升後薪酬視乎任職公司、工作經驗和能力而有所不同。

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • A secondary school graduate 中學畢業

  • Fluent in Cantonese and English, Mandarin or other languages preferred


  • A good command of written Chinese and English


Industry Sharing 行業分享