Chinese Medicine Practitioner


Duties 職責

The main responsibility of Chinese medicine practitioners is to diagnose and treat patients, and to use the theory of traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose symptoms. As the Government is preparing for the construction of a Chinese medicine hospital, the demand for Chinese medicine practitioners has been increasing in recent years. The following are the main duties of Chinese medicine practitioners:


  • Through “look, smell, ask, cut” the four methods of diagnosis


  • Analysis based on diagnosis and determination of treatment


  • Prescription of traditional Chinese medicine according to patient’s condition


  • Acupuncture, cupping, massage etc


Working hours 工作時間

About 44 hours a week, depending on the organization


Working environment 工作環境

Generally work in hospitals, Chinese medicine clinics 一般在醫院中醫診所工作

Personality 職業性格配對

  • Attention to details 處事仔細

  • Responsible 有責任感

  • Helpful熱心助人

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

  • Junior Physician 初級醫師

From $15,000

  • Chinese Medicine Practitioners 中醫師

From $22,000

Note: The reference salary and the promotion salary may vary according to the company, experience and ability.

註: 薪酬參考及晉升後薪酬視乎任職公司、工作經驗和能力而有所不同

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • Bachelor degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, or equivalent


  • Passed the Licensing examination of Chinese Medicine Practitioners and completed registration with the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong


Student Sharing 學生分享