Brigade Sales Officer


Duties 職責

  • Responsible for brigade sales service and answer customer enquiries


Working hours 工作時間

About 50 hours a week 每星期約50小時

Working environment 工作環境

Generally work indoors 一般在室內工作

Personality 職業性格配對

  • Good communication skills 善於溝通

  • Responsible 有責任感

  • Patient 有耐性

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

Approximately $12,500 or above

Note: The reference salary may vary according to the company, experience and ability.

註: 薪酬參考視乎任職公司、工作經驗和能力而有所不同。

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • Be proactive and enthusiastic to clients 積極進取及待客熱誠有禮

  • Accept working in shift 接受輪班工作