Doctor 醫生

Duties 職責

Duties include examining and diagnosing patients, prescribing medicines, conducting courses of treatment or surgery, and will also be responsible for health care administration, such as the promotion of public health. There are a wide range of medical practitioners, including private practitioners, Hospital Authority doctors and doctors from the Department of Health. The following are the main duties of doctors:


  • To diagnose, treat, and take care of a patient, such as a physical examination


  • Relieve the patient of physical and psychological pain


  • Explain the condition to the patient and his / her family members


  • Confidentiality for patient privacy


Working hours 工作時間

About 48-65 hours a week, shift work and on-call duty


Working environment 工作環境

Generally work in hospitals, clinics, work pressure, the content of work requires a high degree of focus


Personality 職業性格配對

  • Responsible 有責任感

  • Patient 有耐性

  • Helpful 熱心助人

Promotion and Reference Salary 晉升階梯及薪酬參考

  • Medical And Health Officer 醫生/駐院醫生

From $70,465

  • Senior Medical And Health Officer 高級醫生/副顧問醫生

From $117,580

  • Principal Medical And Health Officer 首席醫生

  • From $150,950

  • Consultant 顧問醫生

From $179,350

Note: The reference salary is based on the Master Pay Scale of the civil service. If you are working in a non-governmental organization, your salary may vary.

註: 薪酬參考公務員總薪級表。如在非政府機構工作,薪酬會有所不同

Entry requirements 入職條件

  • Bachelor’s degree in general medicine from HKU or CUHK, or equivalent


  • Holds a medical qualification that may be registered in Hong Kong under the Medical Registration Ordinance


  • If working in a government agency, you need to pass the Common recruitment examination (CRE) with Grade 1 result in the use of Chinese and English or equivalent


Student Sharing 學生分享