Technology for Work from Home

This page is for employees who are officially approved for the Work from Home Program .


Work from Home (WFH) is a pilot program that allows eligible employees to work from their personal residence (home) for up to two days a week. An eligible employee must agree to abide by the Program Procedures; have the approval of their supervisor, their area’s VP or Provost, and the Office of Human Resources; and attend WFH training before they can participate in the Program.

Employees with a WFH arrangement must be fully available by phone or other telepresence technology throughout the day while they are working from home. It is required of the employee to forward their University phone number to their home location. The employee’s attendance at any and all scheduled meetings is expected as if they were in the office that day.

Employees working from home are required to use multi-factor authentication provided by Technology Services in order to securely access and connect to University systems. Further, employees are required to connect to the VPN and log in using Remote Desktop Services if they need to use their office desktop computer from home. Work products like reports, documents, or other files should be stored on the University provided storage (e.g. the Cardinal Mail Google Drive) and not stored on personal devices.

Using Technology for WFH

To meet the Program requirements, WFH employees use three main technologies. Please visit the pages linked below for detailed instructions.

How to connect the computer in your home location to the campus network, and access your office computer remotely.

How to receive and make work calls from your home location without revealing your personal phone number.

How to participate in campus meetings remotely using Google Meet audio/video conferencing.

About home technology and work environment

As detailed in the Program Agreement, it is the employee’s responsibility to obtain and securely maintain the necessary supplies and equipment (such as computer equipment, telephone, web access, etc.) for their work from home location. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain a clean and safe working environment at the home location.