Updating the Mobile Number in MiCollab Client

The MiCollab Client for Cardinal Voice enables you to control the phone numbers associated with your office extension.

This document describes in detail how to update the Mobile number associated with your extension to be the phone number to use to make and receive calls when you are working remotely.

We use the MiCollab Client web app for the examples, but you can also use the desktop or (for some Cardinal Voice service levels) mobile Client.


  • The Cardinal Voice service level for your office phone is Standard Desk or higher. Please check with your department head or front office to learn the service level. (Most employees have Standard Desk.)

  • You are able to log into the MiCollab Client. Away from campus, please use the web app to do this. Please see the Getting Started page for instructions on how to log onto the MiCollab Client web app for the first time.

1. Log into the MiCollab Client

  • Browse to https://micollab.cua.edu.

  • Log in using your MiCollab username and password.

  • Read and then click OK for the Emergency Calling notice.

(Alternatively, you can use the MiCollab Client desktop app installed on your office computer to do the steps on this page.)

2. Update the mobile number

  • Once you have logged on, please navigate as follows: Settings > General > My Numbers.

  • Click "Mobile" to edit the mobile number associated with your extension.

  • Enter the number to be used for remote calls as a ten-digit phone number. Do not include the hyphens. E.g., enter 2025551212.

  • (The label changes as you type.)

  • Click Save.

The number is updated, but now the label is wrong.

  • Click the mobile number to edit it.

  • Change the Label back to "Mobile".

  • Click Save.

The mobile number is updated and has the correct label.

Next step

Once you have updated your Mobile number in MiCollab, you can create a "Work from Home" Call Status that allows you to quickly direct your work calls to the correct location.

For more information about Cardinal Voice, please visit the Cardinal Voice program page.