Google Groups and Email Aliases

Google Groups

Google Groups allow you to create and participate in email-based groups for community conversations. Google Groups are the official University email distribution (mailing list) service.

With Google Groups, when you send a message to the Group address, e.g.,, all email addresses that are members of that Group will receive a copy of the message in their mailbox. There is also an option to have a web forum that all members can access. Groups are useful to use when you need to publish an address, because the Group email address remains the same even as members come and go.

Requesting a Google Group

To request that a Google Group be created, please visit with the following:

Group Address Naming Requirements

Your suggested email address for a Google Group must adhere to these conventions.

Group Members

If you are an owner of a group, you can add or remove members. By default, you can add only members with Cardinal email addresses that end in or

You can  request that the Group be configured to allow you to add email addresses outside of the CUA domain. You will need to request this via email to This email should come from the owner of the Group and include the full Google Group email address, along with justification for why outside email addresses need to be added to this Group. Technology Services will respond with an approved/denied message when we review the request; we may need to reach out to the department head for their approval as well.

At the time you request the Group, you optionally can provide the initial list of member email addresses you would like added. After that, owners usually maintain the list membership themselves.

Group Settings

You should specify settings for your new group. These are the four most useful sets of Group settings. Please select one set when requesting your new Group.

To each set, you might also want to select one of these settings instead, or in addition to, those above:

Managing a Google Group

After your Group has been created, owners can add and remove members, and edit Group settings.

Add members to a Group

Remove members from a Group

Change Group Settings

Owners may manage their own Group settings.

Additional information about Group settings

Google's support article on how to Choose group settings describes Group settings in more detail.

Email Aliases

An email alias allows a person to send and receive email as another Cardinal address in the same mailbox. Aliases are created by Technology Services.

About Aliases

Aliases can be used if you legally change your name, or have an approved business use for an alias address. There is a one-to-one correspondence between an email alias and a user mailbox, unlike a Google Group that has a one-to-many correspondence. When the individual who has the alias leaves the University, the alias is deleted.

Requesting an Alias

To request that an alias be created for your Cardinal account, please send email to with the proposed alias address and the reason you need it.

Please visit our main Google support page for more information.