Access temporary Spring 2021
Zoom Cloud recording downloads

Faculty and staff may record Zoom sessions, and save the recording either to the local computer or in the Zoom Cloud. Storage in the Zoom Cloud is not unlimited and needs to be periodically cleaned up to make room for additional recordings.

Technology Services has downloaded Spring 2021 semester Zoom recordings on your behalf.

This article describes how you can request access to this temporary download folder in order to save the recordings and archive them to an external hard drive or to your Google My Drive, or upload one to Panopto for streaming.

IMPORTANT: The Spring 2021 temporary Zoom recording downloads will be removed on August 15, 2021, and will be unrecoverable after that time.
Be sure to request access to them and save them in a different location if you need to retain them.

Request Access to Spring 2021 recordings

If you recorded one or more Zoom meetings during the Spring 2021 semester, and saved the recording to the Zoom Cloud, please follow these steps to request access to your downloaded files.

Send email to create a service request ticket

  1. Open a ticket using email, and specify the following in the message headers.

  2. Specify To line

  3. Specify Subject line Access to Spring 21 Zoom Cloud Recordings.

  4. List your contact information in the message body in case we need to reach you.

You must be the owner of the Zoom account to request this access.

Archiving your recordings

The temporary recordings folder

When your request for access has been processed, you will receive an email message with the link a Google Drive folder.

The folder contains your recording files along with a .csv file that can be opened in Google Sheets or downloaded and opened in Excel.

The CSV file is a list of the recordings that provides identifying details such as the title and recording date.

Access to this folder ends on August 15, 2021.

Review your recording files

Each filename begins with the start date and time of the recording (in Greenwich Mean Time zone). So the first file in the screenshot above was started on Jan 5, 2021 at 11:17 a.m. Eastern.

Please right-click the data.csv file and select download. Then, locate the downloaded file on your computer and open it in Excel.

Obtain more information about the files in data.csv

The data.csv file contains additional information about each recording file in your folder.

When you open this file in Excel, you can sort and filter the data in order to determine exactly which recording files you want to save. (It is very likely that you do not need to save all of them!)

Tip: The values in the recording start, url and file_type columns in each spreadsheet row match each file in the folder.

Download Files

  1. Click a file to download.

    • To download multiple files, press Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) > click any other files.

  2. Right-click > click Download.

Tip: You can't drag a file or folder directly to your desktop.

Archive your recording files

Once you have your recording files downloaded onto the local computer, you can archive them to an external hard drive or memory stick, or to your Google My Drive. Here are instructions on how to upload files to Google Drive. Don't forget to save the data.csv file also.

If you want to make one or more recording available for streaming, you can upload it to Panopto.