Managing Status in MiCollab Client

The MiCollab Client for Cardinal Voice enables you to control your Status to direct calls to wherever you are.

This document describes in detail how to create a new Status type, and select among existing Status types to control how your work calls are directed.

About using a Mobile number in MiCollab for work calls

Specifying the Mobile number for "Send my calls to" and "Call Using" in MiCollab allows those with Standard Desk service level to receive and place work calls when outside campus without making their personal phone number known to callers. It works as follows.

  • Send my calls to

    • Calls made to your Cardinal Voice (office) number ring on the Mobile device.

    • The caller sees only your Cardinal Voice number.

  • Call Using

    • Calls you place using the MiCollab Client app are dialed by the system using your Cardinal Voice number; you use your Mobile device to participate in the call. That is,

      • When you click to place the call in the MiCollab app, your Mobile device rings.

      • You answer it, and you hear the system ringing the number you have called.

    • The person you called sees only your Cardinal Voice number.

      • Important: You must place the call from MiCollab! If you call directly from your Mobile device without using MiCollab, the caller will see your Mobile device number.

(Those with Enhanced Desk service level may use this same method to make and receive work calls, or they can use the MiCollab app directly for calling. Enhanced Desk is usually limited to managers or executives who have to work outside of normal business hours.)


  • The Cardinal Voice service level for your office phone is Standard Desk or higher. Please check with your department head or front office to learn the service level. (Most employees have Standard Desk.)

  • You are able to log into the MiCollab Client. Away from campus, please use the web app to do this. Please see the Getting Started page for instructions on how to log onto the MiCollab Client web app for the first time.

  • Your Mobile number in MiCollab is updated to be the number of the personal phone you will be using.

Screen shot showing prompts for username and password, and a Login button.

1. Log into the MiCollab Client

  • Browse to

  • Log in using your MiCollab username and password.

  • Read and then click OK for the Emergency Calling notice.

(Alternatively, you can use the MiCollab Client desktop app installed on your office computer to do the steps on this page.)

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.

2. Set Call Settings to Managed by Status

  • Please navigate as follows: Settings > Call Settings.

  • In the Call Using field, make sure "Managed by Status" is selected.

Setting "Managed by Status" allows you to change which of your numbers are called just be changing your profile status.

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.

3. Create a new Status type

  • Please navigate as follows: Settings > Manage Status.

  • Click the Menu (three vertical dots) button and select "+ New".

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.
  • In the Name field, enter "Work from Home".

  • In the Call Using field, select Mobile.

  • In the Send my calls to field, select Mobile. (See below if the choice presented is My Ring Group instead of Mobile.)

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.
  • If the Send my calls to choice is My Ring Group instead of Mobile, view the Ring Group in the pull-down menu and

    • Uncheck DeskPhone

    • Check Mobile.

  • In the When I am on the phone field, select To VM (8000).

Scroll down to reveal the remaining fields.

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.
  • In the If I do not answer field, select To VM (8000).

  • Leave the remaining fields unchecked.

  • Click Done.

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.

4. Change your Status

The currently-selected Status is displayed to the right of the user avatar in the top right of the MiCollab page.

  • Click the avatar to change your Status.

Screen shot showing locations of menu items or fields described in the page text.
  • Use the pull-down under the avatar to select a new Status.

  • You can add a custom personal message that other coworkers using MiCollab will see, or leave it blank.

The two main Status types those working at home will use are:

  • In the office

  • Work from Home

You may also want to use

  • Gone for the day

By changing your Status, you change where you make and receive your work calls.

Use a reminder to review the Status

We recommend that you set a recurring Calendar event to review your MiCollab Status. It is easy to forget to change it.

For more information about Cardinal Voice, please visit the Cardinal Voice program page.