Classical Academy Vista
Corner News
Dec 16-18, 2024
Week of Dec 16-18, 2024
Monday, Dec 16- Homeschool day for all tracks
Tuesday, Dec 17 - Tracks A and M track on campus
Wednesday, Dec 18– Tracks B and M on campus
We will be on Christmas Break from Dec 19-Jan 5th, 2025
All TCA Campuses and Offices will be closed during this time.
We will return to the office on Monday, January 6th.
In-person classes resume Tuesday, January 7th!
We hope you have a fantastic break and make a lot of great memories!
See you back on campus on January 7th!
Principal's Message
Hi CAV Families,
Happy Holidays! Welcome to a short week and then off to break. A and M track will be on Tuesday and B and M track will be on Wednesday. Please make sure you are watching your calendar as A track is not coming on Wednesday this week. We need a day for B track so they will be here on Wednesday.
I hope you have a wonderful and restful break. It is always a great time to refresh and renew. I wish you a happy New Year and we will see you again in 2025.
Take care and have a great week,
Kirstin Lasto
Current News and Updates
New Student Open House and Enrollment Lottery Information to share with your family and friends!
The enrollment lottery form for the 25-26 school year has gone live on The Classical Academies website! If you have family or friends interested in our program, send them to
Classical Academy Vista's New Student Open House event (for New/Prospective families not currently enrolled)
February 4, 2025, 5:30 - 7:00pm
Lottery Slip Entry Deadline: February 7, 2025 at 4:00pm (for students not currently enrolled)
Lottery Selection Date: February 13, 2025 at 4:00pm
"Be Our Guest" and come enjoy "A nice spot of tea" with us at Ding Tea in Vista from 12/9-12/15! 20% of ALL Purchases, including gift cards, will come back to support our Musical Theatre program! Mrs. Potts and our Beauty and the Beast cast thank you for your support!
You must share the flyer physically or digitally in order for it to count towards our program.
Thank you very much! Hope to see you there 1 day or every day!
Priority High School Enrollment Information
2025-2026 Priority High School Enrollment for Current 8th-Grade Students -TCA, CAMS, Vista, Coastal, Siblings, and Children of TCA Employees
Priority 9th-grade registration and enrollment for Classical Academy High School (CAHS) and Coastal Academy High (CAH) for the 2025 - 2026 school year starts now. The final priority registration deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.
To complete the enrollment process on time and ensure your first choice in one of our high school programs, please plan to attend a high school freshman orientation at one or more of our high school campuses to gather more information.
An email with all the information was sent to all 8th grade families on Friday, Dec 6th.
If you did not receive that email, you can read it HERE **Please make note of all important dates so you don't miss out on your priority enrollment!
Freshman for a day and registration information for Coastal Academy High School (Oceanside campus)
We will be heading to the Sky Zone Carlsbad, 6133 Innovation Way, Carlsbad, CA 92009 on 1/13/2025
We have rented the whole facility from 10-12PM. You are welcome to bring snacks/food with you. Concessions will also be open and available for purchase. Jumpers MUST wear orange SKY ZONE socks. If you have some, feel free to bring them. Otherwise, please be prepared to pay $3 for each pair when you arrive. Please arrive PROMPTLY at 9:30AM to sign in.
Waivers must be signed for ALL jumpers, please use the QR code to sign this beforehand for an easier sign in the day of the event
Waiver Direct Link:
Sign up in the front office by 1/09/25, unless tickets sell out sooner. Refunds are not guaranteed.
New vendor offering classes on our CAV Campus!
Youth Yoga for all Tk-8
Fridays, 3:45-4:30pm on the CAV Campus
Contact Amy Breza for details 442-303-8823
New Session is open for registration
Attention TK-2nd grade families!
Soccer Shots is the most trusted and engaging children’s soccer program for ages 2 to 8. Join the best coaches in the business on Soccer Island for age-appropriate soccer skills, character-building, and FUN!
Classes will be held on our CAV campus turf field
Wednesdays and Fridays, 3:10-4pm
Attention Grades 1st-12th
New vendor offering lessons on the CAV Campus
We are thrilled to announce The Sk8 Coach is coming to The Classical Academy this fall!
Students joining our After School Skate Club will learn the FUNdamentals of skateboarding through weekly instruction and class challenges from our professional coaches. Building confidence, community, and creativity along the way; this class is open to all grades 1st-12th and welcomes all skill levels!
Skate Club will meet every Tuesday (except Nov. 26th)
Starting October 8th - Dec 17th from 3:45-4:45PM
Parents must sign up for the entire semester
(10 weeks) to register. Please click here for details and registration costs.
Contact for any questions or concerns.
Youth Opportunity Pass Program
Youth Ride Free with PRONTO
All riders 18 & under will be able to ride MTS and North County Transit District (NCTD) services for FREE with a Youth PRONTO app account, or a Youth PRONTO card. The Youth Opportunity Pass is a pilot program, sponsored by the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and County of San Diego, through June 30, 2026.
To be eligible for the Youth Opportunity Pass, riders 18 & under must have a Youth PRONTO app account, or a PRONTO Youth card, and travel with proof of eligibility. (Kids 5 & under ride MTS and NCTD free at all times, and don’t need a card or proof of eligibility.)
Have questions or comments about the Youth Opportunity Pass pilot program? Please email
Sick Child Guidelines
Our objective is to provide students with a safe and healthy learning environment. Students who appear ill should not be sent to school. If your student does present with symptoms, please follow the most up-to-date health guidelines as directed by the school nurse and/or the Classical Academies’ Health & Safety team.
Students who become ill or injured at school will be assisted at the front office or health office. Your student will be sent home from school if they have a fever and/or have vomited. Your student may be sent home if they present with other symptoms, including those attributable to COVID-19. If a student becomes ill at school, only the persons listed on the Alternative Pick-Up Form will be approved to pick up the student. These forms are available in the front office.
A student must be fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicine (i.e. acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Viruses spread very quickly, and parental cooperation is greatly appreciated. Communicable illnesses (those transferable to others by close, direct contact) should be reported to the front office as soon as possible so that precautions can be made and information distributed to prevent the spread of infestation to affected grades, employees, and the county as appropriate.
You can review our guidelines in the Parent Student Handbook (page 19)
Student Meal Program
The Classical Academies is pleased to offer every student one free breakfast meal kit and/or one free lunch meal kit each day they are on campus for an educational purpose lasting longer than 2 hours.
Students can choose from the available pre-packaged breakfast kit or pre-packaged lunch kit at the scheduled appropriate meal time.
Each pre-packaged breakfast kit includes breakfast cereal, dried fruit, applesauce or juice, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. Lunch items may include chicken salad, Wow Butter, hummus, sunflower kernels, cheese sticks, soy nuts, applesauce or juice, dried fruit, a vegetable juice blend, crackers/chips, and low-fat milk.
Our meal program is available to all students, regardless of eligibility status, who are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose.
In order to keep our meal kit supply stocked, it is important to that parents fill out this form. This will help us know how many students will be requesting meals. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM
For any questions, please email Amanda Burton -
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phones and Personal Electronics
Please review our school's Cell Phone and Smartwatch Policy. Highlights from the policy are written below. To see the full policy and all details, CLICK HERE for the Parent and Student Handbook on pages 30-31.
Cell Phones
Students may have personal cell phones on campus but they must be turned off or silenced and placed in their backpacks while on school grounds (including break, lunch, and after school activities).
If a student needs to contact a parent or guardian for any reason during the school day, they may use the front office phone or they may use their cell phone in the front office with permission. If a parent needs to contact a student, they should contact the front office, not the student’s personal cell phone.
Students may use their cell phone after dismissal time, when the school day has concluded.
The Classical Academies recognizes that students may wear or carry smartwatches or other devices for health and/or safety reasons such as emergency communication or location tracking. During the school day, students are not permitted to use their smartwatch for calling, messaging, texting, surfing the internet, social media, or taking photos except in the case of a real emergency or with permission from the teacher.
The device is to be set on silent mode during the school day so that there will not be disruptions to the classroom. If a student uses a smart watch for anything besides checking the time, the device may be confiscated until the end of the day.
Parents can help the school enforce this policy by not texting their children or calling them during the day. If a parent needs to contact their child they should phone the school office and the message will be relayed promptly.
Class Trips for 4th-8th Grade
6th Grade Astrocamp registration is now full.
To be added to the wait list, please email to sign up.
Please see below for more details about this trip and how to join our lottery:
All 6th grade students at Classical Academy Vista have an opportunity to attend a 3-day, 2-night class trip to Idyllwild, California to participate in AstroCamp on February 24-26, 2025.
Please note, this trip is an optional educational trip. Spots are limited and are open to all students on A, B, and C Track on a lottery basis.*
Cost: The cost per student is $415.00. Cost includes transportation from Classical Academy Vista to AstroCamp, your time at camp (including meals once at camp, and all activities), a camp T Shirt, and transportation from AstroCamp back to CAV.
Chaperone cost is $315 and Chaperones will be chosen by lottery at a later date.
Payment Schedule:
October 14th-18th: $115 deposit is due ($50 of this deposit is non-refundable), Permission click form is due and your completed AstroCamp Student Health Form is due.
December 2nd– 2nd payment of $150 due
January 6th– Final payment of $150 due *No refunds given after 11/15/24*
Please email Caitlyn Avila with any questions you may have at
8th Grade East Coast Trip - Nov 14-21, 2024
Registration is OPEN for next school year’s 8th grade East Coast Trip. This is an amazing opportunity for your student to tour multiple historical and fantastic places on the East Coast. Check out all the details here.
Quick Facts:
Trip Dates: November 14-21, 2024
Registration: Open now to first 50 and then a waiting list (lifted around 65)
Deposit Due: April 19, 2024
Cost: $3069
4th Grade Sacramento/San Francisco Trip - March 24-26, 2025
A wait list has been started. Sign up to be on that list!
HIGHLIGHTS: Marshall Gold Discovery Park, Coloma Gold Panning, Sutter's Fort, California State Capitol, Old Town Sacramento
Jelly Belly Factory, Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Cable Cars and much more...
Quick Facts:
Dates: March 24-26, 2005
Registration: TO REGISTER FOR THE WAITLIST, log into to create an account, log back into that account and register using the tour code and password below!
Tour Code T256001A
Password 145235
Cost: $1169 for quad occupancy - PLEASE NOTE If we receive enough registrations we can open up a second bus and accept everyone on the waitlist. If for some reason we do not get enough signups, you will be REFUNDED your money prior to the trip.
Please note: A parent or chaperone is required to travel with their 4th graders on this trip. This trip is for 4th graders and their chaperones only.
Counselor's Corner
School Counselor
Visit her resource page and get to know her better!
You can reach her by email at or drop by her office (Room 204). Zoom appointments are available as well.
Social Group for 6-8th grade meets with Ms Kattie every Friday from 12:30-1pm in her classroom. Please email Ms. Kattie if you have any questions.
Field Trip Information
Our All Family Unit 3 field trip will be held at Sky Zone trampoline park on Monday, January 13th from 10-12pm!
Sign up in the front office by January 9, 2025
Questions? Email
Use the same sign up link to be placed on the wait list
All spots have been filled. Sign up to be placed on the wait list.
5th Grade Biztown Field Trip
JA Biztown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. This popular learning experience allows our 5th Grade students to operate banks, manage restaurants, manage money, and even vote for mayor. It is such a great experience for students to learn and experience the responsibilities of adult life in a very fun environment.
This field trip is for all tracks: A, B, and C, however it does require in class lessons. If you are C track, once you sign up, you will need to reach out to Mrs. Reed ( to schedule your student to come for the in-class lessons. In-class lessons will begin after Thanksgiving break.
The field trip this year will be on February 19, 2025 and costs $60. The deadline to register is 11/15/2024, or until spots are filled, whichever comes first.
Please use this link to get more information, sign up, and pay.
The link will not go live until 10/14 at 10AM
Digital Account Details and Technical Support
Don't let technical issues prevent you from getting the most out of our school's digital resources! Check out the information below. If you need to speak to a person, the first place to get help is your teacher or Educational Specialist. If he or she cannot solve the problem for you, they will get help! Keep in mind that not all students will be using all accounts.
In The Community
The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy Vista and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies.
Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.
Do you have an event you'd like to share with our school community?
Send details to to have it posted in our community section.
Meet Anna! She is a 2 yr old kitty waiting for her Furever home.
Founded by Kat Chilidonia - CAV Music Teacher - Furballs Furever Rescue, is a nonprofit 501c3, animal rescue. We are 100% donation based and volunteer run.
Our mission: Abandoned, unwanted but never unloved. We here at Furballs Furever Rescue have made it our mission to rescue and vet as many furballs as we can get our hands on. We also vow to love them until we are able to find them their perfect Furever home.
Please visit the Furballs Furever website if you are interested in fostering, adopting, or volunteering!
Other Important Information
ALL visitors/parents/guardians who will be coming on campus MUST sign in at the front desk and obtain a Visitors Badge.
Please have your ID ready the first time you check in. After this 1st check-in, we will not require your ID. You may provide your name at the front desk and we will print you a visitor's badge.
If you will be volunteering in a classroom or plan on volunteering in the future, please email Caitlyn Avila and she will send you the Volunteer Letter/Survey that is required to be completed in order to volunteer on our campus.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Program Feedback
Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….
Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you, Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
For a list of archived posts, click HERE