Classical Academy Vista
Corner News
Important dates and upcoming deadlines:
May 3-7th - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 3-24th - Food Drive! Look for the bins near the front office.
May 28th - OUR BIG REVEAL!
Hi CAV Families,
I hope you had a wonderful first week of Unit 6. I created a video to share our excitement over our new home. Yes, we have almost secured the site and I want to have you "Save the Date" of May 28th for our big reveal. We will be launching details soon about the reveal night.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of Unit 6 as we finish off the year and head into summer! I hope to see you on campus this week.
Take care,
Kirstin Lasto
CAV Principal
Current News and Updates
Look for the bins near the front office starting May 3rd!
Help support people in need by donating the following items:
Canned Meats
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruits
Peanut Butter
Pasta, Rice
Cereal, Oatmeal
We are unable to accept:
Glass jars
Home-canned or baked goods
May 3-7 is Teacher Appreciation Week!
Take a moment to sign your teacher's door poster to say Thanks!
Attention Current 8th graders!
CAHS Journalism Staff Information and Application
Do you have a flair for art or graphic design? Do you want to tell a story through photography? Have you always had a knack for writing?
Join the nationally ranked CAHS Journalism Staff for the 2021-2022 school year to produce both an award-winning Yearbook and an exceptional Online Newspaper Publication. Throughout the school year, our staff documents CAHS history in the making - from assemblies, school dances, intense sporting events, and so many other things that make students' high school experiences unique and worthwhile. Staff members will participate in a workplace environment similar to ones found in the real world, and will grow in terms of communication, time management, and leadership skills.
According to the American Press Institute, students who work on high school yearbooks and newspapers:
- Get better grades in high school
- Earn higher scores in the ACT
- Get better grades as college freshmen
Incoming 9-12th graders can join our amazing Journalism Staff in 3 easy steps!
1. Click the link below to fill out a quick application form (
2. Send in 2 letters of recommendation: 1 from a photography/art/english teacher and 1 one from a teacher of their choice. More instructions regarding letters of recommendation are provided inside the application form.
3. Select which times work best for a quick and relaxed Zoom meeting inside the application form; we'd love to get to know you better!
We are now able to meet after school on campus for ASB. Meetings will be held in person and on Zoom, Thursdays from 1:30-2:45pm, to work on leadership skills and plan activities to build a positive community.
If you are interested in joining ASB please email Charity Marino ( and/or Diana Stein ( or message us on Schoology. ASB is open to 6-8th students.
School Meal Program
The Classical Academies participates in a school meal program by offering a nutritious breakfast meal every school day. Our breakfast program is available to all students that are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose. Prepackaged Breakfast Kits are available on campus at various times throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules.
The Breakfast Kits must be ordered online at: by noon the day before your student is on campus. Instructions on how to order are available HERE.
Each Breakfast Kit includes a breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. All Breakfast Kits include a spoon and napkin.
The cost is $3.00 per Breakfast Kit. Eligible students may receive meals free of charge if qualified. Please contact our school Registrar at if you have questions about eligibility.
Please make sure your student knows they are
responsible for picking up their breakfast at the front desk.
For more information about the school meal program, visit the TCA School Meals webpage.
C Track Information
TK-8th Grade: On-going Remote Learning Opportunities: Join anytime!
New K-8th Grade Music Classes Have Been Added…..Check it out!
Click Here For Details On How To Join
C Track Buddy Program
This will be an opportunity for our older students to connect with our younger students for mentorship, friendship and community.
Please fill out this Google Form if you are interested. You can join anytime!
Contact Monica Houston - with any questions.
6-8th Grade C Track VIRTUAL Reading Classes
Are you ready to meet some other students in your grade level to enjoy some social time and discussion? Check out these reading groups! Students will enjoy talking with new friends about the articles and concepts of the week from your Schoology reading lessons.
Please contact to sign up.
Attention Parents of current 6th and 7th Grade Students!
AstroCamp and Catalina are offering a $200 OFF First-time Camper discount for their 2021 Summer programs!
Please check the attached flyers and reach out to their contacts for further information and reservations.
These Summer Camps differ from the school year programs we typically plan, and offer students a chance to experience what AstroCamp and Catalina have to offer! We are excited to see this as an option for students who missed out on these Class Trips over the 20/21 school year, and hope to return to our regulary scheduled Class Trips for the 21/22 year if at all possible!
Due to COVID 19, our 4th-8th Grade Class Trips have been cancelled for this year.
The 4th, 5th, 6th,7th and 8th grade class trips will be postponed/cancelled this year due to COVID19. With shifting health updates, and the unpredictability of just how the school year will unfold, we have made the tough decision to cancel the trips for this year. We regret this is happening and hope to see these educational adventures return next school year.
Click this link to enter Ms.Marino's Virtual Bitmoji Office & Resource Library.
The google slides are interactive with links for resources, my contact form for referrals, read-alouds, etc. that are all available to support you! I will post any important updates/editions via Schoology!
To receive Counseling Dept updates on Schoology - use this access code to join the group!
Schoology Courses & Groups/Resources
CAV Literacy Lighthouse Students
This course will be built over the year. Videos will be added to support students who need extra reading and writing support.
Access code: 3GDH-63HM-FC6HD
CAV Literacy Lighthouse Parent Resources
This course is written for parents that need ideas for supporting their child with reading and writing.
Access Code: 73GC-N88W-95NP8
CAV Math Lab Students
Access code is: 2XJS-DN8S-FG2JS
This course includes video support, essential standard practice, and other assessment tools. By joining this class, your student will also have access to the Math Specialists for small group or one-on-one targeted support appointments where recommended by your teacher or ES.
Art Class with Miss Kris! 3rd-8th Grades
Roll up your sleeves, find a quiet comfortable place to draw, gather your supplies, and let's have fun. I will be hosting an ongoing weekly discussion board that I hope you'll be a part of. It's a fantastic way to share projects and a positive way to support one another. You'll also be watching a weekly art video where I will guide you through each project. I'm looking forward to creating art with you all.
New students jump right into this class. Pick a lesson that sounds fun, and give it a try. Post your art on the discussion board, and I will see it, and give you positive feedback. I can't wait to see your art!
Access Code: 3rd-5th XST5-F8CP-H95JK; 6th-8th NXK4-R8VD-VNK2J
Virtual Lego Club Group: Mrs. Grimes, our coding teacher, will have regular Lego Club meetupson Mondays at 12:45pm. Here is the GROUP join code on Schoology: SQ23-KJD4-W8PTS - See video in elective section for "How to Join a group or course" This is a Group, not a course! You will need to go to the Group Tab at the top of your Schoology home page.
How-to-video on adding a Schoology course
The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy Vista and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.
Please complete this form if you will have someone else picking up your child(ren) from school.
This form is required to keep medication on campus for your child and must be signed by their physician. All medications must be kept in the front office.
This form is to be completed a parent/guardian for any student who will be walking/biking home after school.
ParentSquare - Health Screening Form
In order to streamline the daily health checks, our campus will be using ParentSquare's health reporting form for our students. We highly recommend parents download this app to complete your student's daily health screening from your phone or computer.
The Parent Volunteer Program was established to connect parents’ skills, passion, and abilities to their school community. Parent volunteers are the backbone of The Classical Academy program, and our parents’ leadership and talents are truly what make our school successful!You can find the link to log your volunteer hours in the weekly school updates (look for the ‘volunteer’ icon at the top of the newsletter). Please enter all the information correctly so that your hours are applied to the correct category/event.
As the year progresses, the Parent Volunteer Coordinator may email you with links to sign up for events that may need help as well as any needed donations. Parents are always welcome to volunteer where they would like and do not need to wait to be invited to help. Our parents are always welcome on campus and in the classroom!
Please view this page for additional information on our volunteer program.
Click here to log in your volunteer hours
Parent Volunteer Contact:
Box Tops for Education
There are now three ways you can submit Box Tops!
There are still products out there with traditional Box Tops that you clip and send. We will still accept those! Bring any clipped Box Tops to our front office.
Eventually all Box Tops will change to the new label - you can download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts - every box top is still worth 10 cents for our school!
*Or* Bring in your receipts and we will scan them for you!
Parking Policy
Please follow the arrows and sign to our parking lot. We are the second lot as you drive in. The first lot is for the Church only. We want to be respectful of our neighbors, so please park in our lot.
There is no drop off in the church parking lot. For security of our kids, we need to drop them off in our parking lot or directly to our office. This is especially important for our K-2 classrooms on the first level. They must go to the office and be walked to class if they are late.
Thank you for following our parking policies!
School Drop Off/Pick Up Traffic Flow Diagram
Drop off will be 15 minutes prior to scheduled class.
Students will line up outside in the basketball court and be walked to class by their teacher.
Late arrivals will need to check in at the office. Office Staff will walk students to their class.
Affordable Internet and Computers
During this time of required in-home learning, internet companies are committed to helping families in need to receive affordable home internet access. Qualifying families with children in grades K-12 are eligible for discounted high speed home internet. Visit Cox Connect2Compete or AT&T Stay Connected. If your family is in need of a home computer, Computers for Kids is offering refurbished computers to those in need. Visit Computers for Kids for more information.
Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….
Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you, Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
For a list of archived posts, click HERE