Classical Academy Vista
Corner News
**Homeschool Week for all 5th Grade A/B track due to Pathfinder Camp**
Monday, April 18
Regular Schedule - Monday C'Lectives and 7th/8th on campus
10-12pm - Elective Expo on-campus field trip
5th graders campers leave to Pathfinder Ranch!
Tuesday, April 19
Regular schedule - Track A on campus
Wednesday, April 20
Regular schedule - Track A on campus
8:15-8:45 am Pastries and Parents
Thursday, Apirl 21
Regular schedule - Track B on campus
Friday, April 22
Regular scheudule - Track B on campus
8:15-8:45am Pastries and Parents
Current News and Updates
Hi CAV Families,
One Day For Education is underway! We are raising funds for our new playground equipment. The plans are done and we are awaiting permits from the City of Vista. Every donation helps us meet our goal. Support the new playground here!
We have a new buzzer system at the front door. When you come to campus, you will be pushing the buzzer to be allowed access to the building. We are excited about this new security feature. We will be able to keep the door closed. This will also help us to conserve energy.
I hope you have a great week and see you on campus,
Kirstin Lasto
CAV Principal
End of year Field Trip Announcement:
Join us for our final field trip on Monday, May 23rd at Woodland Park Pool.
Where: 671 Woodland Parkway, San Marcos, CA
Date/Time: Monday, May 23rd, 1-4:00 pm
Cost: $5 per person, $20 max per family
Sign up in the front office!
One Day for CAV - We're getting closer to our goal!
Coming soon...A brand new playground, lunch area and sports and recreation facilities for our students!
Help us raise funds for fun, safe playground equipment.
Donation perk - Get a cool Classical Academy Camping Mug if you donate $139 or more.
8th Grade Promotion Video Presentation
We want ALL of our 8th graders to celebrated in the video that will be presented at their Promotion event.
Use this link to submit pictures (a baby pic, a fun action/hobby/sports pic, and a current pic (You will need to log in with your gmail account *or* your student's tcadocs account)
If you have trouble uploading your photos, you may also email them directly to
All pictures need to be submitted by April 29th
Final Parents and Pastries Events for the school year!
Parents and Pastries is here again and we are very excited to have you join us on campus for this fun and delicious event!
Wednesday, 4/20/22 and Friday, 4/22/22 from 8:15-8:45 am
Please see the attached link to sign up to bring Juice Boxes, Muffins, or Donuts. We appreciate all your donations and look forward to having a fun time together before the start of school.
Parents and Pastries-A track Wednesday 4/20/22
Parents and Pastries - B track Friday 4/22/22
SD Padres Charter School Night - May 9, 2022
Padres vs Cubs - Charter School Appreciation Night – May 9, 2022
Family, friends and Charter School supporters are invited to join The Classical Academies at Petco Park and celebrate Charter School Appreciation Night on Monday, May 9, 2022!
Arrive early for the Tony Gwynn Shirtsey giveaway!
Order your discounted tickets online here: TCA at Padres 2022.
Deadline to order is April 22, 2022.
Details and ticket prices can be viewed HERE
Your tickets will be sent to you electronically in early May so that you can print them at home. This popular game will sell out – order your tickets early.
Questions? Contact Sejal Majithia at
Masks/Facial Coverings are OPTIONAL for all students and employees on our campus
Our guidelines still require isolation of symptomatic individuals and a negative test in order to be on campus (or student can remain off-campus for ten days and return on Day 11).
Thank you!
Share Your Stories!
Do you have an inspirational story of achievement or success to share? We want to recognize your success in our newsletter, on our website, and in social media. Share your success story by completing the form below and uploading a photo or two. (Stories without photos may not be posted) When possible, please write the copy as a news story. Thanks for sharing!
Box Tops for Education
There are now three ways you can submit Box Tops!
There are still products out there with traditional Box Tops that you clip and send. We will still accept those! Bring any clipped Box Tops to our front office.
Eventually all Box Tops will change to the new label - you can download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts - every box top is still worth 10 cents for our school!
*Or* Bring in your receipts and we will scan them for you!
School Chromebooks available for checkout
If you are in need of a Chromebook and/or assistance with internet connectivity for the purposes of completing assigned school work, please fill out the 2021-2022 Equipment and Connectivity Request by clicking HERE.
Once the form is completed, please stop by the school office to check out a Chromebook.
Volunteer Hours
Remember to record your volunteer hours! Any donation made to our school, whether it be monetary or classroom items, counts as volunteer time. Every $10 equals 1 hour.
If you attended Jumpstart or any other parent training - that time counts as well so be sure to enter it!
Look for the volunteer icon at the top of this newsletter to enter your hours at any time!
M Track Meeting Slideshow
Did you miss the M-Track (7th & 8th) meeting? View the slideshow:
C Track Grades 5-8 Meet-Ups!
Meet and connect with other C Track families!
From hiking to museums, let’s explore and learn together!
Siblings and friends are welcome to join us!
Meet ups will conclude with a picnic lunch after each activity (bring lunch)
These are not drop-off events, but an opportunity to socialize and have fun with your student
Parents are responsible for transportation, admission, and parking fees
Please email Monica Houston - if you coming
8th Grade East Coast Trip - November 10-17, 2022 - Registration open now!
Attention current 7th grade families:
Registration for the 8th grade East Coast Trip has begun!
We are excited to announce the 8th grade trip for the Fall of 2022. We will be having informational meetings for those interested in attending. Those will be announced soon.
Trip Dates: November 10-17, 2022
Registration: Open now to first 50 with waiting list (when waiting list is at 65, we can open up more spots)
Deposit Due: April 29, 2022
Cost: $2599
Flier with details
To register, go to to register by 04/29/2022 using the following:
Tour code: T225009A
Password: 145118
5th Grade Pathfinder Camp
Pathfinder Ranch Science Camp is located in Idyllwild, CA.
Camp dates: April 18-20, 2022
Campers will board the bus at Coastal Academy.
Bus will leave promptly at 10am on Monday, April 18th.
Counselor's Corner
School Counselor
Visit her resource page and get to know her better!
You can reach her by email at or drop by her office (Room 204). Zoom appointments are available as well.
Midday Meet Ups with Ms. Kattie take place daily at 12:00pm
Bring your lunch or just yourself to chat with classmates, play virtual games, and other activities! Let’s spend some time together!
We would like to encourage our 4-8 graders to join us! Lower grades are welcome, too.
Field Trip Information
Electives Expo - Monday, April 18, 2022
The Unit 5 field trip will be ON CAMPUS on April 18th!
The expo will take you through a rotation of activities in Art, STEM and Music.
ASB will selling nachos and popcorn while you enjoy musical performances outdoors.
10-12pm on CAV campus
Schoology Courses & Groups/Resources
Schoology Video Tutorials:
Parent and Student Accounts (What’s the difference?) (2:55)
How-to-video on adding a Schoology course
The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of Classical Academy Vista and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.
Do you have an event you'd like to share with our school community?
Send details to to have it posted in our community section.
When should a student stay home from on-campus learning and/or appointments?
If they have experienced any one of these symptoms within the last 10 days
Fever with or without chills/rigors (T > 99 that does not resolve within 30 min. without medication), Cough, Shortness of breath, Nasal congestion/runny nose, Sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, Fatigue, New loss of taste/smell, Headache, Muscle or body aches, Poor feeding or poor appetite
Student has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive or is presumed positive for COVID within the last 14 days
* Disregard symptoms related to a pre-existing, chronic condition - a doctor's note must be on file with the school. The nature of the presenting symptom (e.g., duration, intensity) must be consistent with the underlying chronic condition.
What should you do if your child meets any of the criteria above?
Please reach out to your child's teacher or the school office, even if it is not a scheduled on campus day. Following the notification, our Safety Officer will reach out via email with guidelines on when your child may return to campus.
Thank you for doing your part to help keep our school community safe and healthy!
Please complete this form if you will have someone else picking up your child(ren) from school.
This form is required to keep medication on campus for your child and must be signed by their physician. All medications must be kept in the front office.
This form is to be completed a parent/guardian for any student who will be walking/biking home after school.
We are pleased to offer every student one free meal kit each day they are on campus. Meals must be pre-ordered through Boonli and will be available to pick up various times throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules.
The Classical Academies participates in a school meal program by offering a free, nutritious breakfast meal every school day. Our breakfast program is available to all students, regardless of eligibility status, who are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose. Pre-packaged Breakfast Kits must be pre-ordered through Boonli, and are available at various times throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules. When students arrive on campus, they will be able to choose from the available prepackaged Breakfast Kits. Each pre-packaged Breakfast Kit includes breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. All meals must be pre-ordered online by noon the day before your student is on campus. (Click here for instructions on how to order)
Additionally, please refer to the 2021/2022 Meal Sites for Students for a list of alternate food service sites that are available across San Diego County. Any child 18 or younger can go to any of the school sites listed and receive food during this period.
Questions? Call our front office or email us at
The Parent Volunteer Program was established to connect parents’ skills, passion, and abilities to their school community. Parent volunteers are the backbone of The Classical Academy program, and our parents’ leadership and talents are truly what make our school successful! You can find the link to log your volunteer hours in the weekly school updates (look for the ‘volunteer’ icon at the top of the newsletter). Please enter all the information correctly so that your hours are applied to the correct category/event.
As the year progresses, the Parent Volunteer Coordinator may email you with links to sign up for events that may need help as well as any needed donations. Parents are always welcome to volunteer where they would like and do not need to wait to be invited to help. Our parents are always welcome on campus and in the classroom!
Please view this page for additional information on our volunteer program.
Volunteer Protocols
COVID-Related Protocols -
Volunteers who are in an indoor school setting when students are present must wear a mask. This is regardless of vaccination status
Volunteers who are serving outdoors are advised to wear a mask, however, it is not a requirement
Volunteers who serve in a school setting, are considered "workers" and must provide proof of vaccination status; if they are unvaccinated, they will be asked to submit negative COVID test results weekly. Refer to this slide deck for an overview of what categories of volunteers will be considered "workers."
Parents may use our weekly testing program if they wish
Links to surveys and letter:
- NON-EMPLOYEE Vaccination Verification Form - this is the first step - all volunteers must fill out.
- NON-EMPLOYEE COVID Testing Submission Form - this is the second step, ONLY for those volunteers who are not fully vaccinated or choose not to declare.
- Explanatory Letter from Health & Safety Team
TB Assessment - Volunteers who will have "frequent or prolonged contact" with students, including regularly-scheduled classroom volunteering, overnight trips, and field trips where cumulative face-to-face time with students exceeds 8 hours, must be assessed for TB. This assessment consists of a series of yes/no questions and must be administered by our school nurse, John Fitzgerald.
Parking Policy
Parking policies will be provided soon.
Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas….
Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? We have a special email address just for you, Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
For a list of archived posts, click HERE