Getting to Know George Washington!

My School, My Museum

4th Grade | SEPTEMBER | Writing + Social Studies + Visual Arts

Teachers, staff, and museum educators collaborated to dream up a project that focused on narrative writing, the history of Early American founding documents, and the descriptive imagery that artists leave for us in their works of art.  To learn more about the program: My School, My Museum, click HERE

Check out the lesson plan to get a feel for class visit to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art

Click to expand OR right click and "open image in a new tab"

2019.9_4th_Lesson Plan-George Washington (ELA,Soc.Studies,Art).pdf

The Artworks 

L to R: Charles Willson Peale's George Washington; Gilbert Stuart's George Washington [The Constable-Hamilton Portrait]; Nari Ward's We the People

Click on an image to see it on the Crystal Bridges website

In the Classroom I

Students started out the morning with presentations on Story Elements and the Founding Documents. 

Click on the presentations to discover more. 

StoryElementPowerPoint (Adams, 2019)
Founding Documents Annotated (Rozzana-2019)

Megan Rozzana presenting the Story Elements 

Megan Rozzana covering "CHARACTER" with the students

In the Galleries

Students participated in discussions about the art and artworks in the galleries. Educators moved the conversation to include vocabulary that the students learned in the classroom. 

School Programs Manager, Sally Ball, introduces the students to Stuart's George Washington.

Students returned to this artwork in the afternoon and Ball led an activity where they created a word sketch. 

Arts Integration Coordinator (AAA), Alyssa Wilson, facillitated converstaions about Peale's George Washington (above) and Ward's We the People (below)

Classroom II & Gallery II

In the classroom, students worked with their teacher to create a narrative outline. These outlines will become full narratives back at school. 

In the galleries, students created a word sketch based on Stuart's George Washington

Click to expand OR right click and "open image in a new tab"

Narrative Outline for Crystal Bridges - Google Docs.pdf

Students work on their outlines with teacher, Megan Rozzana.