AAA Honors Ukraine

On Friday February 24th, the one year anniversary of the russian invasion of Ukraine, Arkansas Arts Academy and Hugs from Friends collaborated to host an event called NWA 4 UKRAINE: AN EVENING OF PEACE. LOVE. SUPPORT.  The purpose for the event was  to bring awareness to the conflict in Ukraine and partner with schools in the U.S. to have American students create cards of hope, love and support to send to students at schools in Ukraine affected by the war.  


In July 2022 Trevor Dane, Founder and Director of Hugs From Friends contacted AAA Director of Arts Integration, Aaron Jones, to see if the Academy would be interested in participating in creating cards for children in Ukraine that have been affected by the war. Trevor was invited to the August Professional Development and a partnership was established.  Teachers incorporated Ukrainian culture, history, music, arts and politics into their lessons to help students understand the cultre and the current conflict.    With a better understanding of the students created messages of HOPE in the form of illustrated cards and sent them to the Ukraine. 



With an overwhelming interest in support from our teachers and students we met with Hugs From Friends to coordinate an event that would bring awareness about the war to Northwest Arkansas.  NWA 4 UKRAINE: AN EVENING OF PEACE. LOVE. SUPPORT. was planned hrough 

440 people attended the event and over $1800 was raised for savED to purchase school supplies for schools that have received damaged or that have been destroyed during the current conflict. 


Local News station 5 News CBS affiliate visited Arkansas Arts Academy and covered the event. News reporter Rachel Williams interviewed representatives from Hugs From Friends, AAA administrators and students at the event and aired live coverage at 5 and 7 pm as well offered a great news story at 10:00 pm. 

Promotional video for NWA 4 Ukraine event created by Paulina Sobczak

Music educator, Dr. Patrick Sailings, playing the Bandura for the news reporters


Performances from AAA students, local, national and international talent.

Attendance and booths from 12 different humanitarian and educational organizations.

Culinary students provided samples of three Ukrainian dishes and drink.

Silent Auction: 17 works of art from AAA students, local and national artists. $1240 raised 

Card Making Station

Artwork from Ukraine

AAA HS Student Artwork

AAA Elementary Student Artwork

Ukrainian Culture

Ukrainian Art


Peace Bubble: AAA Student Installation

Ukrainian Pysanky 

Local, Regional and Student Art

Silent Auction

Fayetteville Ukrainian Folk Dancers

AAA HS Dance

AAA HS Choir

International Singer Yuliia 

Beats and Steps

Culinary classes


Hugs From Friends Team: Greta Rozensweig, Trevor Dane and Nataliya Chapovska

Hugs From Friends

Hugs From Friends is a 501c3 organization established in 2022 with a mission to encourage children in the United States to create art to show support and solidarity for children and families impacted by the war in Ukraine. Hugs From Friends formed after its founder, Trevor Dane, voulenteered for the Humanitarian Center in Przemysl, Poland. There he saw the positive and powerful impact of kids’ artwork displayed throughout the building had on those who were there.


The organization has collaborated with local schools, community organizations and hosted numerous events in Arkansas. The organization has collected hundreds works of art throughout the U.S. and shipped to the Humanitarian Center in Przemysl to be delivered to schools in western Ukraine.  Visit  to learn more. 


savED is a charity foundation aiming to restore and improve educational infrastructure of Ukrainian cities destroyed by the russian army in its unprovoked brutal war against the Ukrainian nation. 

Iryna Dasiuk          Project Manager of Charity Fund savED

Ukrainian Student Work Sent to AAA Students


Two classes at AAA have been corresponding with students in Ukraine.  Mrs. Amy Giadrone's 8th grade Language Arts  class and Mr. Joe Papania's 5th grade Social Studies class. On February 24th, the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, AAA students received a package filled with cards, art and appreciation from the students in Ukraine. 

AAA Elementary students opening the package from Ukraine

Ukrainian students asking questions to AAA students

AAA Student Work Sent to UKRAINE