Arts Integration Steps and Process

Why arts integration?

Arts Integration is the connective pathway toward reaching and teaching every child and empowers educators in their professional growth.

Arts Integration is a research-based curricular strategy grounded in connected standards and has been utilized in classrooms for more than 30 years.

Arts integration is an approach to teaching and learning through which content standards are taught and assessed equitably in and through the arts.With arts integration lessons, the ending assessments reflect the growth in both the content area and the arts area that was taught.

- Institute for Arts Integration and Steam


CONTACT: Contact an AI staff member to schedule a conversation about the ideas/ themes/ topics/ project/ program you would like to incorporate.

DISCUSSION: During the conversation with the AI staff you will talk about arts connections by using curriculum mapping.

STANDARDS ALIGNMENT: When finding an instersecting for an arts integration lesson, standards from both disciplines will be identified and outcomes as deliverables.

INCLUDE: With the AI lesson outlined, determine if other educators or stakeholders need to be involved (AI staff, arts educators, teaching artists, museum educators, etc.)

COLLABORATIVE PLANNING: Schedule the lesson, program or project with all stake holders (co-teachers, AI staff, teaching artists; field trip visit, etc.); order materials; determine the measurement for assessment.

IMPLEMENTATION: Teach the arts integration lesson making sure that the standards from both the content and arts discipline are addressed and outcomes met.

ASSESSMENT: Measure the growth and knowledge gained from the arts integration lesson with an assessment tool that captures outcomes from each discipline.

DOCUMENT AND HIGHLIGHT: Throughout the process consciously document your work. Upon completion of the AI lesson share through AAA AI highlights and social media platforms.

Visit highlighted ARTS INTEGRATION projects HERE