Exploding Books!

The 6th  grade learned about color theory and experimented with a new method of art (book making) in order to create impressive EXPLODING BOOKS in class. The book making is part of a larger unit where students use their exploding books as the vehicle to create a report on a novel. The completed book report will include the following: (1) the problem / solution, (2) beginning / middle / end, (3) an important quote,  and (3) the theme (written and also conveyed by the colors and images incorporated in the book). 

Educational Standards:


VA:Cr2.1.6a Demonstrate openness in trying new ideas, materials, methods, and approaches in making works of art and design


RL.6.2 Examine a grade-appropriate literary text. 

RL.6.3 Describe how a story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of events as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

Resources from the Project

Students started out the morning by examining color theory and the color wheel. Students participated in a presentation and filled out their own color wheels thinking about color and how it is used it the novel they are reading. 

Click on the presentation and handout to view in more detail.

The inspiration for making Exploding books came from online posts and this step-by-step video! 

Photos from the Classroom

Students fill in their color wheels. 

Students create their Exploding Books!

Students create the covers for their book

A student demonstrates how the folded pages come together

Finished books! 

Students will continue to work on their exploding books and other types of handmade books to create their reports for the novels that they read in class.