Little Shop of HORRORS& the 




April 22, 23, and 24 2022 AAA high school theatre, choir, dance, tech theatre & guitar collaborated and performed the muscial Little Shop of Horrors.  To support the performing arts programming the Director of Arts Integration and educators from a variety of disciplines organized an educational "pre-show" that would showcase arts integration projects created by students from their classes. The Weird Science Arts Integration Lab became the title for this multi-discpline educational event. 

The concept for the Weird Science Arts Integration Lab originated from Arts Integration Professional Developments for educators offered earlier in the school year.  One of these PD's was hosted by Museum educators from a partnering museum the Scott Family Amazeum.  As luck would have it the spring date for the musical aligned closely with the event NWA MAKER DAYS, sponsored by the Scott Family Amazeum.   Visit #NWAMakerDays  

Weird Science Arts Integration Lab

The Weird Science Arts Integration Laboratory was set up in the high school commons to serve as a pre-show event for students, educators, families and the public to see and experience AAA's Arts Integration approach to instruction. One hour prior to each musical performance the Weird Science A.I. Lab was open to explore.  Various stations representing different academic and arts disciplines showcased arts integration projects that revealed connections between themes from the musical and the respective discipline. The results assisted in contextualizing characters and themes referenced in the muscial Little Shop of Horrors.

Meet the Mad Scientist Hosts of the A.I. LAB

Dr. Oliva Tillman & Dr. Alyssa Coleman as well as their plant experiment gone wrong on the Director of Arts Integration Mr. Jones

Overview from Dr. Alyssa


Weird Science A. I. Pre Show Stations: 

A very special THANK YOU to our community partner 

The Scott Family AMAZEUM!

The Amazeum loaned objects from their TINKER LAB to be on display in our AI LAB. Objects had their own station and connected seamlessly with the student STEAM AI stations in the HS COMMONS. 

Hollow Face Illusion

Rubin's Vase/Face Illusion


Tensegrity Table

Venus Flytrap


What is an Exoplanet? What is an Infographic? Find out from Mrs. Moreira


Discover Harmony with Invasive Species with Ms. Wenzel

Promotional Station: AAA Intercession/ Summer programming and AMAZEUM Summer Programs and Professional Development for educators 

Mrs. McWilliam's Visual Art: Menacing Flora

Menacing Flora is an assignment where the students illustrate the concept of a dangerous plant-form that exhibits both animalistic and human behaviors. Much like Audrey II, these Menacing Flora have anthropomorphic characteristics in order for survival on earth.

Wandering Cloud Creative Writing: Little Shop of Harmony

Studetns studied “invasive” plants and the language used to imagine and describe them.

Having learned that these are plants engaged in immature relationships within the ecosystem to which they’ve been introduced (primarily by humans!)

Students envisioned a greater balance through making arrangements of them in the Japanese ikebana style, which were sold in the “Little Shop of Harmony” store/installation.

Students wrote a Haiku poem from the perspective of an introduced species to the Northwest Arkansas area.

Paitning II: TERROR-iaum TUNNEL

Students in Ms. Klatt’s Painting II classes imagined their own species of plant creatures that have their own unique care instructions. 

These carefully crafted, carnivorous plants were created with neon paints providing an eerie glow as you experience them in the TERROR-arim tunnel lit by black lights.

The tunnel offered a store front experience of exotic plants complete with imporatn care instructions as they are uniquely different! 

JAZZ Band: Boogie-Woogie Baking

This was the swingiest station at the event. Little-Shop themed baked goods served as a fundraiser for the AAA Jazz Band as well as allowed students to learn more about the musical. 

While shoppin’ patrons took in the the soundtrack of the musical Little Shop of Horrors performed by the AAA Jazz Band and it never sounded better! 

Culinary: Parasitic Plant Pudding

Culinary students sold homemade Parasitic Plant Pudding cups and culinary’s signature Arkansas Arts Academy sugar cookies to raise money for the culinary department.

8th Grade Science: Exo-PLANT-ets Students analyzed different “exoplanets” (any planet beyond our solar system) that have recently been discovered and debated whether plant life, such as Audrey II, could have originated and thrived in the conditions.

To display their research students created infographics, form of imagery, graphs & statistics arranged with minimal text to provide a well organized composition of graphics and data that are both aesthetic and informative.

Creative Writing: Ink Creatures and Monster Stories

The stories of the ink creatures vary wildly, but they all have something in common. At the center of each story, there’s a monster. Sprung from each student's imagination, with a little push from one thing or another, came a creature. 

Video Game Design: Simulating Alien Invasion

Tech Theatre: Producing Parasitic Plants

Digital Media: "Not So Bored" Games

Stagecraft: Set Design

Chemistry: Chemical Culinary

Physics: Molecular Mobiles 

Students in Physics classes used their knowledge of centroids, inverse variation and systems of equations to create perfectly balanced mobiles. 

Algebra I: Exponential Alien Plant Growth

Fashion Design: Performing Puppets


Learn about Drawing and Design II's station Menacing Flora from Sabrina Craig 


Enter Ms. Klatt's Painting II TERROR-ium TUNNEL!