Week 10: Matariki

Big Idea: Various cultures have used patterns in the sky to measure time, to navigate by, and to indicate the best times to fish and plant crops. Most cultures have created myths relating to objects and patterns in the sky.

The Stars

WAL The Maori legend of Tamarereti explaining how the stars were created

Task: Read and watch the following video then create a kahoot with 6 - 10 questions (try to ask a variety of question types (e.g. inference, literal) about the legend. Play the kahoot with your reading group and obtain feedback from them.

Must Do : Matariki Myth: Tamarereti.mov

The Ancient Maori Tale

How the Stars Came to Be


Read and perform the play: Tane Me Te Whanau Marama pg 22 (School Journal Pt 2 No. 2 2003)

WAL: Learn Myths about the stars from other cultures

Task: Choose a myth that interests you from the 9 available on this site. Explain why and how the stars were created in that culture using a Seesaw voice recording.


WAL: What Matariki is and why it is celebrated

Task: Create a Mind Map to explain what you have learnt


Read the article

Matariki Returns ...

Read these articles about events people have held to celebrate Matariki.