
Week 10 Term 2

Copy of Matariki Tumble

Week 9 Term 2

WALT reflect on our attitude to learning

Success Criteria

    • complete the learning blob
    • write a reflection explaining and justifying your choices
    • present this to an audience at Student Led Conferences

Task 1

Complete the learning blob by choosing a colour for each subject or Key Competency. Select the blob that best shows your learning, progress and attitude in each area this year.

Show a teacher when you are done. DO NOT PUT ON SEESAW YET.

Task 2

Write a reflection about your learning blobs. Choose 3 areas to talk about. For each subject/Key Compentency explain:

  • What is happening and why?
  • What is not happening and why?
  • What can you do to get better at it?

Show a teacher your reflection, do not put it on Seesaw.

Task 3

Plan your Student Led Conference.

  • Get a planning sheet from a teacher
  • Highlight or circle the areas you want to talk about
  • Write down notes and keywords of what you might say
  • Collect any learning you want to share at your conference. You might like to put these in a folder on Seesaw or put them safely together in your tote tray
  • Practice sharing your Student Led Conference to a classmate. Ask them for questions or feedback

Week 7 Term 2

WALT create a character description by adding details

Success Criteria

  • describe what the character looks like
  • describe what they sound like
  • describe how they move
  • describe their personality
  • describe how they interact with others
  • describe their unique talent or skill

Week 4 - 6 Term 2

Cup Flyer Explanation Text

WALT write an explanation to explain the Cup Flyer experiment.

Success Criteria

  • included the key structural parts?
    • Introduction: state the subject, thing or topic you are explaining
    • Body: break the topic down into parts & introduce each part with a topic sentence, followed by some relevant and important detail to support the idea
    • Conclusion: finish with a comment or personal thought about the subject or topic
  • supported my ideas with appropriate and relevant headings, subheadings, photos, pictures, diagrams, captions and labels etc.?
  • Audience hook to start
  • Technical, scientific, accurate words for the names of things and action verbs
  • Facts and figures
  • Connectives add extra information
Structure Explanation.pdf

Your explanation text needs to be submitted through mystudentdashboard.

Due Date: Friday 8th June

Explanation text is a text genre which tries to explain how a thing happens or why the thing is made. Explanation text actually is similar to procedure text, however, explanation text tends to explain. While the procedure text is intended to instruct how to form or make something.

Click on the link and complete the jigsaw.

Read the procedural text about how to make a cup flyer.

Cup Flyer Experiment

Make a prediction about what you think will happen when you let the cup flyer go.

Why do you think that this happened?

Upload your prediction and thinking about what happened to Seesaw.

Once you have completed the experiment and videoed yourself flying the cups, resources will be added to explain what forces were involved. You can use these resources to help you write your explanation.

What is the Magnus Effect
Explanation Checklist.pdf

Explanation Rubric

Read over the rubric as you write your explanation text.

Have you included all the different features?

Explanation Planning

Use this planning sheet to help you organise your ideas and thinking. This is not your draft, it is your plan.

Explanation Planner.pdf

Week 3 Term 2

Paper Rocket Procedural Text

WALT write a procedural text for an experiment

Success Criteria

  • Title tells what the instructions are for
  • Materials or equipment are listed in order of use
  • Numbered steps are in the right order
  • Subheadings, photos, pictures, or labelled diagrams
  • Conclude with a personal comment or thought for your audience
  • used technical, scientific, academic and subject specific words?
  • used clear and concise language?
  • started each step with a “bossy” verb?

Your procedural text needs to be submitted through mystudentdashboard.

Due Date: Wednesday 23rd May

The purpose of a procedural text is to instruct how to do a particular activity, for example, recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules.

Click on the link and complete the jigsaw.

Procedural Planning

Use this planning sheet to help you organise your ideas and thinking. This is not your draft it is your plan.

Planning sheet.pdf
Self Evaluation.pdf

Procedural Rubric

Read over the rubric as you write your procedural text.

Have you included all the different features?

WALT predict and write what will happen next

Success Criteria

  • prediction connects to the video
  • uses clues and characters from the video
  • follows on from where the video was paused

1. Watch the video on the mimio.

2. When the video is paused you will have 7 minutes to write down what you think will happen in the rest of the video. (prediction) Remember to add detail and description.

3. Think about what has already happened in the video. What clues (inferences) did you see that might help you make your writing match the video?

4. After 7 minutes is up you will need to share your writing with a buddy.

5. Watch the rest of the video on the mimio. How close was your writing to the end of the video?

Week 2 Term 2

WALT predict and write what will happen next

Success Criteria

  • prediction connects to the video
  • uses clues and characters from the video
  • follows on from where the video was paused

1. Watch the video on the mimio.

2. When the video is paused you will have 7 minutes to write down what you think will happen in the rest of the video. (prediction) Remember to add detail and description.

3. Think about what has already happened in the video. What clues (inferences) did you see that might help you make your writing match the video?

4. After 7 minutes is up you will need to share your writing with a buddy.

5. Watch the rest of the video on the mimio. How close was your writing to the end of the video?

Week 1 Term 2

WALT: make a thank you card for our camp parent helpers.


You will be making thank you cards for our amazing parent helpers from camp.

Look at the Activity Group Link and see what parent helper you had for your activity group.

You may choose to watch the video and create a Pop-Out thank you card or get creative and make up your own!

You must remember to

  • Draft in your literacy book what you will say first.
  • Check the spelling of your parent helpers name.
  • Use capital letters for peoples names and start of sentences.
  • Check spelling, punctuation and that your card makes sense.
  • Think of something memorable that they helped you with or you thought was really cool and include in your card.

Show not Tell Feeling Recount Workspace