
Maths weekly plan term 4

Term 4 Maths

Term 4 week 9

Stage e7

WALT: work out multiplication and division problems using written working forms.

Success criteria: be able to use the strategy to figure out the problem

- explain how to figure out the problem.

Eg 35

x 7


Stage 6

Work on paper power page 42 worksheet

Paper power page 43

Stage 6

WALT: subtracting using number lines and tidy numbers.

Success criteria: figure out using number lines.

- explain the how the strategy works

Activity page 48 and 49 worksheet

More activities on NZ Cur book stage 6 pg 38

Subtracting using tidy numbers:

Work on questions 5 and 8

WALT : addition using tidy numbers with problems like

15+27= ______

Success criteria: work out addition problems by adding and a tidy number and then compensate.

Teacher modelling

Activity on page 34 and 35

Term 4 week 8

Stage e7

WALT:multiplying using proportional adjustment doubling and halving.

Success criteria: Use appropriate strategy to figure out the problem

e.g 3 x 18 4 X 16

6 x 9 = 54 8 x 8

More activities on Multiplying strategy . From NZ Cur stage 7 pg 78-79

Example 36 x 3 = (30 x 3) + (6 x 3) 36 X 3 36 x 3 = (40 x 3)-(4 x 3)

= 90+ 18 = 108 12 x 9 = 120-12

= 108 = 108 = 108

Trebling and thirding Tidy numbers/rounding

and compensation

Revision link multiplication problems.

Stage 6

WALT; Subtracting by using turn around way of figuring out.

Success criteria : Use the strategy to solve the problem

e.g 67- _____ =34

34+ _______ = 67


Work activities on page 56

Activity 2

Adding and subtracting tens and ones separately

NZ Cur stage 6 pg 68-69

Term 4 week 7

Stage e7

WALT: multiplying using rounding and compensation.

Success criteria: using the strategy effectively.

explain how the strategy is used.

Activity 2 stage 7

More multiplication

1. 6 x 49 2. 7 x 28 3. 9 x 37 4. 10 x 41

5. 8 x 51 6. 5 x 21 7, 9 x 39 8. 6 x 48

9. 18 X 7 10. 24 X 9 11. 81 X 11 12. 67 x 9

Stage e7

Activity 3

Using multiplication to solve addition and subtraction.

E.g 20+15

(4x5 ) + (3x5) = 7x5

1. (5x8)+ (7x8) = 2. (4x6) +(6x6)= 3. (7x4) + (8x4) =

4.(4x9)+ (5x9)= 5. (7x5) + (4x5)= 6. (9x9)- (6x9)=

Find common factor to solve these addition and subtraction problems.

e.g 24 + 42

(4x6) + (7x6) =

(11x6) = 66

1. 54+27 2.15 +25+50= 3.48+32+80=

4.56-32 5. 81-36 6. 63-35-14

7. 81-27-18 8. 77-35 +14-28 9.450-270 +90

10. 560+320-80 = 80 is the factor

Stage 6

WALT: adding and subtracting using compatible numbers.

Success criteria: use effective strategy to figure it out.

- explain how the strategy is used to figure it out

Students work from NZ Curriculum Stage 5 page 39-41

display on the screen

Activity 2

1. 4+6+8-12= 2. 7+9+ 5+6 -20= 3. 12+8 +9 -21=

4. 9 +11 +5 +6- 20 = 5. 25+30+ 15+10-60= 6. 24 + 14+ 26 -50=

7. 15+25+ 30+5-45= 8. 35+45+ 16+ 10-90= 9. 23+12+17

10. 45 +35+15+25+20-100= 11. 24+36+50+15-60=

Activity 3

subtracting in parts:

  • e.g 53-18= 53 -10-8

=43-3 -5



You may use a number line to work out subtraction questions. Moving backward..

  • 1. 52-15 2.86-17 3.71-18 4. 62-16
  • 5. 51-14 6.81-19 7.61-15 8. 123-17
  • 9. 122-18 10. 132-15 11. 142-27 12. 184-47
  • 13. 282-36 14. 253-48 15.481-57 16. 246-84
  • 17. 379-134 18. 298-135 19, 367-148 20. 512-256

Term 4 week 6

Stage e7

WALT : subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

Success criteria: use appropriate strategy to figure it out.

Activity 1

Subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

e.g 145-39

145- 39+1

145-40 = 105 +1


Use the above strategy for the following questions.

1. 92-29 = 63 2. 246-17= 219 3. 588-69 = 519 4. 375-48 = 32 7 5. 483- 87 = 396 6. 289- 68= 121

7. 184-117= 7 7 8. 678-126 =

552 9. 635- 248 10. 987- 367

Activity 2

Turn around to subtract. E.g 85-23 = 23+ _______=85

23+ 7+50+5 =85


1. 75-31 2. 95-46 3. 98-46 4. 125-34 5. 315-97

6. 217-105 7. 568-213 8. 478-268 9. 879-456 10. 873-389

11. 175-62 12. 684-354 14. 591-278 15. 809-348 16. 563- 329

Activity 3

Use one of the strategies to work out these questions.

Tidy number then compensate or turn around to subtract

1. 575-321 2. 789-389 3. 487-236 4. 892- 658

5. 617- 198 6. 983- 768 7. 294- 109 8. 1267- 879

9. 3456-2345 10. 1934- 375 11. 268-86 12. 491- 235

Stage 6

WALT: subtract using place value partitioning

Success criteria: Show the appropriate strategy to work out.

Activity 1 subtract using place value partitioning

eg 175- 34 =


5-4 =1

140+1= 141

1. 127-35 = 2. 148-65 3.129-54 4. 145-62 5.157-85 6. 158-84

7. 1270-560 8 1580-730 9. 2380- 560 10. 2170-640

Activity 2

Use place value partitioning:

e.g 259-123=


50-20 = 30

9-3= 6



1. 457-134 2. 426-214 3. 658-325 4. 536-222 5. 398-156

6. 746-435 7. 1868-506 8. 3569-1324 9. 4946-2613 11. 6835-2603

12. 7584-3421 13. 9537- 6016

Activity 3

More place value partitioning.

1. 96-37 2.98-46 3.134-107 4. 269-138

5. 709-148 6. 743 -681 7. 1245-832 8.4561- 2435

9. 2369-1020 10. 1005- 475 11. 9872- 6734 12. 3415- 1335

Term 4 week 5

Stage e7

WALT: make equal addition or subtraction on both sides of equal sign.

Success criteria : figure it out to make equal equations (balance)

Use addition or subtraction strategies to work out the problem.

Example : ___5_____+7 = 4 +___8_____

15+24 = ______+ 30

Work on equal questions on page 76-77 NZ Maths St6 blue

Activity 2

1. 54 + _____= 48 + 74 2. 65 + 27 = 56 + ______

3. 65+ 105 = _____+ 124 4. 68 + _____ = 97 -7

5. 145+ _____ = 168+ 104 6. 98+ _____ = 88+ _____

7. 194 + ____= 341- 64 8. 243+ ____= 379- 79

9. 456+ 135= 375+ _____ 10. 385+75= 360+______

Stage 6

WALT: Using equal sign to balance both sides of the equations

Success criteria: work out to balance both sides of the equation


25-8 =27-10 34+43 = 37+40

Activity 1 Mathematics workbook pg 35

Activity 2

1. 43+37 = _____+30 2. 54+64 = 60+_____

3.59+ 68 = 70+ _____ 4. _____+98= 100 +90

5. 97+120= 127+_____ 6. 88+ 75 = 90+______

7.136+ ____=184+ 35 8.105+45 = 165- ____

9. ___ + 320 = 330+ 15 10. 240+ 75 = 65 + _____

Stage e7

WALT: Solving addition problems by adding tidy number and then subtract a small number to compensate

Success criteria : Show the work by using a number line.

Stage 6

WALT: Solve some addition numbers by adjusting one number to the nearest hundred.

Rounding and compensating a tidy number

Success criteria : Work out the problem by using a tidy number.

Stage e7

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems.

Success Criteria: figure out problems without error.

Activity 1

Work on the above 5 number line questions in your Maths book.Use the example given above.

Activity 2

Use your own number lines to solve the following questions.

1. 56 + ? = 84 56 +4 +24= 84

2. 73 + ? = 123

3. 69 + ? = 95

4. 36+ ? = 112

Stage 6

WALT : use tidy numbers to solve problems.

Success Criteria : show a strategy to solve addition problems

E.g 27+ ? =75

27+ 3= 30 and 30 + 45= 75

3 +45= 48

so 27 + 48 = 75

Follow the above example to figure out the following questions in your book.Make sure you follow all the steps to show your work.

1. 68 + ? = 104 2. 18 + ? = 73 3. 36 + ? = 93

4. 29 + ? = 115 5. 48 + ? = 121 6. 117 + ? = 172

7. 159 + ? + 183 8. 266 + ? = 294 9.345 + ? = 475

10. 298 + ? =683 11. 423 + ? = 546 12. 367 +? = 729

stage e7

WALT: use place value partitioning strategies to solve addition problems.

Success criteria: solve Maths problems using strategies.

finding how many tens and hundreds in a number.

Activity page 43

To be copied in your Maths book.

Stage 6

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems like 17 + ----- = 81

success criteria: Figure out problems using number lines.

Activity page 44

Copy in your Maths book

E.g expanding numbers :

  • 4567 = 4000 +500+60+7
  • 721459= 700000+20000+1000+400+50+9

Stage 3-4

WALT: add double numbers up to 20 eg 4+4 = 8 9+9 +18

success criteria = complete follow up activities.

Revision of the week

Stage e7

1. 543 +_______ = 700 2. 248 +__________ =600 3. 567 + _________ =800

4. 654 + ________ = 900 5. 391 + _________ = 700 6. 472 + ________ = 700

6. _______ + 321 = 800 7. ______ + 567 = 1000 8. ________+ 118 = 500

9. 684 + ______ = 1300 10 . 582 + _______ =1400

Revision of the week

Jumping on the number line

1. 34 + ________ = 69 2. 46 +______ = 87 3. 67+ ________= 135

4. 28 + ________ = 79 5. 92 + _______= 146 6. 98 + _______ = 192

7. 57 + ________= 132 8.176 + ______= 210 9. 74 + ______= 108

10. 231 = ______= 297 11. 54+ ______= 72 12 . 83+ ______ =167

Stage e7

WALT: use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; adding Tens and Ones.

Split and recombine. E.g 74+8 = as 74 +8 = 74+6+2=82

Success Criteria: Apply the strategy in adding two digit numbers;

Children will explain how they used the strategy to solve problems.

Activity 1

1. 87 + 35 = 2. 56+48 = 3. 52+ 41 4. 47+ 54= 5. 24+37=

6. 36+41= 7. 19+12= 8. 16+28= 9. 14+18= 10. 43+57 =

11. 29 +34 12. 55+36 = 13. 42+56 14. 37+46= 15. 33+45=

Activity 2


1. 14 +9= 2. 22+7= 3. 35+13= 4. 16+ 17= 5. 16+ 19=

6. 28+5= 7. 67 + 13 = 8. 18 +24= 9. 35+25 = 10. 46+30=

11. 29 +16 = 12. 64+21= 13. 26+24= 14. 39+56= 15. 67+15=

16. 55+19= 17. 35+13 = 18. 22+16 = 19. 43+26= 20. 47+45 =


1. 18+15 = 2. 43+ 38 = 3. 51+46= 4. 34+ 28= 5. 75+ 68=

6. 89+64= 7. 97+66= 8. 94+136= 9. 135+162 10. 176+149=

11. 147+159= 12. 189 + 107 13. 155+185= 14. 162+198= 15. 238+133=

Stage 6

WALT: Use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; smart doubling. E,g 26+25= 25+25+1=51

Success Criteria: Use the strategy to solve questions.

Children will be able to explain how to solve problems using the strategy.

Doubling Along

To work out 9 + 8 says 8 + 8 = 16 and adds 1 to give 17.

Use the above method to work out these:

Activity 1

1. 14 +13 = 2. 23+ 27= 3. 18+ 24 = 4. 35+46 =

5.17+28 = 6. 34+ 48= 7. 36+ 19= 8. 31+42 =

9.18 +21= 10 . 26+ 28= 11. 14+16= 12. 49 + 51=

13. 23+ 25= 14. 24+ 27 = 15. 32+35= 16. 41+ 44=

To work out 8 + 12 Ariana takes 2 away from the 12 to leave 10 and adds this 2 to the 8 to give 10. So 8 + 12 is the same as 10 + 10 = 20

Use Ariana’s method to work out these:

  • Activity 2

1. 16+20 = 2. 18+ 24 = 3. 26 +32= 4. 35+ 43= 5. 17 + 25 =

6. 27 + 33 7. 53+ 59 8.14+ 18 9. 19+ 21 = 10. 25+ 31=

11. 23+ 26= 12. 46+49= 13. 54+ 56= 14. 67+ 54 = 15. 75+ 68=

Activity 3

1. 75 +79 2. 114+ 110 3, 248+ 268 = 4. 367 + 351= 5. 145+ 153

6. 186+176 7. 192+ 200 8. 183+ 190= 9.75+81= 10. 216+221=

11. 162+153 12. 240+260 13. 360+390 14. 480 +520 15. 460 +420

Term 4 Maths

Maths weekly plan term 3

Term 4 week 8

WALT:multiplying using proportional adjustment doubling and halving.

Success criteria: Use appropriate strategy to figure out the problem

e.g 3 x 18

6x9 = 54

Term 4 week 7

Stage e7

WALT: multiplying using rounding and compensation.

Success criteria: using the strategy effectively.

explain how the strategy is used.

Activity 2 stage 7

More multiplication

1. 6 x 49 2. 7 x 28 3. 9 x 37 4. 10 x 41

5. 8 x 51 6. 5 x 21 7, 9 x 39 8. 6 x 48

9. 18 X 7 10. 24 X 9 11. 81 X 11 12. 67 x 9

Stage e7

Activity 3

Using multiplication to solve addition and subtraction.

E.g 20+15

(4x5 ) + (3x5) = 7x5

1. (5x8)+ (7x8) = 2. (4x6) +(6x6)= 3. (7x4) + (8x4) =

4.(4x9)+ (5x9)= 5. (7x5) + (4x5)= 6. (9x9)- (6x9)=

Find common factor to solve these addition and subtraction problems.

e.g 24 + 42

(4x6) + (7x6) =

(11x6) = 66

1. 54+27 2.15 +25+50= 3.48+32+80=

4.56-32 5. 81-36 6. 63-35-14

7. 81-27-18 8. 77-35 +14-28 9.450-270 +90

10. 560+320-80 = 80 is the factor

Stage 6

WALT: adding and subtracting using compatible numbers.

Success criteria: use effective strategy to figure it out.

- explain how the strategy is used to figure it out

Students work from NZ Curriculum Stage 5 page 39-41

display on the screen

Activity 2

1. 4+6+8-12= 2. 7+9+ 5+6 -20= 3. 12+8 +9 -21=

4. 9 +11 +5 +6- 20 = 5. 25+30+ 15+10-60= 6. 24 + 14+ 26 -50=

7. 15+25+ 30+5-45= 8. 35+45+ 16+ 10-90= 9. 23+12+17

10. 45 +35+15+25+20-100= 11. 24+36+50+15-60=

Activity 3

subtracting in parts:

  • e.g 53-18= 53 -10-8

=43-3 -5



You may use a number line to work out subtraction questions. Moving backward..

  • 1. 52-15 2.86-17 3.71-18 4. 62-16
  • 5. 51-14 6.81-19 7.61-15 8. 123-17
  • 9. 122-18 10. 132-15 11. 142-27 12. 184-47
  • 13. 282-36 14. 253-48 15.481-57 16. 246-84
  • 17. 379-134 18. 298-135 19, 367-148 20. 512-256

Term 4 week 6

Stage e7

WALT : subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

Success criteria: use appropriate strategy to figure it out.

Activity 1

Subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

e.g 145-39

145- 39+1

145-40 = 105 +1


Use the above strategy for the following questions.

1. 92-29 = 63 2. 246-17= 219 3. 588-69 = 519 4. 375-48 = 32 7 5. 483- 87 = 396 6. 289- 68= 121

7. 184-117= 7 7 8. 678-126 =

552 9. 635- 248 10. 987- 367

Activity 2

Turn around to subtract. E.g 85-23 = 23+ _______=85

23+ 7+50+5 =85


1. 75-31 2. 95-46 3. 98-46 4. 125-34 5. 315-97

6. 217-105 7. 568-213 8. 478-268 9. 879-456 10. 873-389

11. 175-62 12. 684-354 14. 591-278 15. 809-348 16. 563- 329

Activity 3

Use one of the strategies to work out these questions.

Tidy number then compensate or turn around to subtract

1. 575-321 2. 789-389 3. 487-236 4. 892- 658

5. 617- 198 6. 983- 768 7. 294- 109 8. 1267- 879

9. 3456-2345 10. 1934- 375 11. 268-86 12. 491- 235

Stage 6

WALT: subtract using place value partitioning

Success criteria: Show the appropriate strategy to work out.

Activity 1 subtract using place value partitioning

eg 175- 34 =


5-4 =1

140+1= 141

1. 127-35 = 2. 148-65 3.129-54 4. 145-62 5.157-85 6. 158-84

7. 1270-560 8 1580-730 9. 2380- 560 10. 2170-640

Activity 2

Use place value partitioning:

e.g 259-123=


50-20 = 30

9-3= 6



1. 457-134 2. 426-214 3. 658-325 4. 536-222 5. 398-156

6. 746-435 7. 1868-506 8. 3569-1324 9. 4946-2613 11. 6835-2603

12. 7584-3421 13. 9537- 6016

Activity 3

More place value partitioning.

1. 96-37 2.98-46 3.134-107 4. 269-138

5. 709-148 6. 743 -681 7. 1245-832 8.4561- 2435

9. 2369-1020 10. 1005- 475 11. 9872- 6734 12. 3415- 1335

Term 4 week 5

Stage e7

WALT: make equal addition or subtraction on both sides of equal sign.

Success criteria : figure it out to make equal equations (balance)

Use addition or subtraction strategies to work out the problem.

Example : ___5_____+7 = 4 +___8_____

15+24 = ______+ 30

Work on equal questions on page 76-77 NZ Maths St6 blue

Activity 2

1. 54 + _____= 48 + 74 2. 65 + 27 = 56 + ______

3. 65+ 105 = _____+ 124 4. 68 + _____ = 97 -7

5. 145+ _____ = 168+ 104 6. 98+ _____ = 88+ _____

7. 194 + ____= 341- 64 8. 243+ ____= 379- 79

9. 456+ 135= 375+ _____ 10. 385+75= 360+______

Stage 6

WALT: Using equal sign to balance both sides of the equations

Success criteria: work out to balance both sides of the equation


25-8 =27-10 34+43 = 37+40

Activity 1 Mathematics workbook pg 35

Activity 2

1. 43+37 = _____+30 2. 54+64 = 60+_____

3.59+ 68 = 70+ _____ 4. _____+98= 100 +90

5. 97+120= 127+_____ 6. 88+ 75 = 90+______

7.136+ ____=184+ 35 8.105+45 = 165- ____

9. ___ + 320 = 330+ 15 10. 240+ 75 = 65 + _____

Stage e7

WALT: Solving addition problems by adding tidy number and then subtract a small number to compensate

Success criteria : Show the work by using a number line.

Stage 6

WALT: Solve some addition numbers by adjusting one number to the nearest hundred.

Rounding and compensating a tidy number

Success criteria : Work out the problem by using a tidy number.

Stage e7

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems.

Success Criteria: figure out problems without error.

Activity 1

Work on the above 5 number line questions in your Maths book.Use the example given above.

Activity 2

Use your own number lines to solve the following questions.

1. 56 + ? = 84 56 +4 +24= 84

2. 73 + ? = 123

3. 69 + ? = 95

4. 36+ ? = 112

Stage 6

WALT : use tidy numbers to solve problems.

Success Criteria : show a strategy to solve addition problems

E.g 27+ ? =75

27+ 3= 30 and 30 + 45= 75

3 +45= 48

so 27 + 48 = 75

Follow the above example to figure out the following questions in your book.Make sure you follow all the steps to show your work.

1. 68 + ? = 104 2. 18 + ? = 73 3. 36 + ? = 93

4. 29 + ? = 115 5. 48 + ? = 121 6. 117 + ? = 172

7. 159 + ? + 183 8. 266 + ? = 294 9.345 + ? = 475

10. 298 + ? =683 11. 423 + ? = 546 12. 367 +? = 729

stage e7

WALT: use place value partitioning strategies to solve addition problems.

Success criteria: solve Maths problems using strategies.

finding how many tens and hundreds in a number.

Activity page 43

To be copied in your Maths book.

Stage 6

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems like 17 + ----- = 81

success criteria: Figure out problems using number lines.

Activity page 44

Copy in your Maths book

E.g expanding numbers :

  • 4567 = 4000 +500+60+7
  • 721459= 700000+20000+1000+400+50+9

Stage 3-4

WALT: add double numbers up to 20 eg 4+4 = 8 9+9 +18

success criteria = complete follow up activities.

Revision of the week

Stage e7

1. 543 +_______ = 700 2. 248 +__________ =600 3. 567 + _________ =800

4. 654 + ________ = 900 5. 391 + _________ = 700 6. 472 + ________ = 700

6. _______ + 321 = 800 7. ______ + 567 = 1000 8. ________+ 118 = 500

9. 684 + ______ = 1300 10 . 582 + _______ =1400

Revision of the week

Jumping on the number line

1. 34 + ________ = 69 2. 46 +______ = 87 3. 67+ ________= 135

4. 28 + ________ = 79 5. 92 + _______= 146 6. 98 + _______ = 192

7. 57 + ________= 132 8.176 + ______= 210 9. 74 + ______= 108

10. 231 = ______= 297 11. 54+ ______= 72 12 . 83+ ______ =167

Stage e7

WALT: use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; adding Tens and Ones.

Split and recombine. E.g 74+8 = as 74 +8 = 74+6+2=82

Success Criteria: Apply the strategy in adding two digit numbers;

Children will explain how they used the strategy to solve problems.

Activity 1

1. 87 + 35 = 2. 56+48 = 3. 52+ 41 4. 47+ 54= 5. 24+37=

6. 36+41= 7. 19+12= 8. 16+28= 9. 14+18= 10. 43+57 =

11. 29 +34 12. 55+36 = 13. 42+56 14. 37+46= 15. 33+45=

Activity 2


1. 14 +9= 2. 22+7= 3. 35+13= 4. 16+ 17= 5. 16+ 19=

6. 28+5= 7. 67 + 13 = 8. 18 +24= 9. 35+25 = 10. 46+30=

11. 29 +16 = 12. 64+21= 13. 26+24= 14. 39+56= 15. 67+15=

16. 55+19= 17. 35+13 = 18. 22+16 = 19. 43+26= 20. 47+45 =


1. 18+15 = 2. 43+ 38 = 3. 51+46= 4. 34+ 28= 5. 75+ 68=

6. 89+64= 7. 97+66= 8. 94+136= 9. 135+162 10. 176+149=

11. 147+159= 12. 189 + 107 13. 155+185= 14. 162+198= 15. 238+133=

Stage 6

WALT: Use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; smart doubling. E,g 26+25= 25+25+1=51

Success Criteria: Use the strategy to solve questions.

Children will be able to explain how to solve problems using the strategy.

Doubling Along

To work out 9 + 8 says 8 + 8 = 16 and adds 1 to give 17.

Use the above method to work out these:

Activity 1

1. 14 +13 = 2. 23+ 27= 3. 18+ 24 = 4. 35+46 =

5.17+28 = 6. 34+ 48= 7. 36+ 19= 8. 31+42 =

9.18 +21= 10 . 26+ 28= 11. 14+16= 12. 49 + 51=

13. 23+ 25= 14. 24+ 27 = 15. 32+35= 16. 41+ 44=

To work out 8 + 12 Ariana takes 2 away from the 12 to leave 10 and adds this 2 to the 8 to give 10. So 8 + 12 is the same as 10 + 10 = 20

Use Ariana’s method to work out these:

  • Activity 2

1. 16+20 = 2. 18+ 24 = 3. 26 +32= 4. 35+ 43= 5. 17 + 25 =

6. 27 + 33 7. 53+ 59 8.14+ 18 9. 19+ 21 = 10. 25+ 31=

11. 23+ 26= 12. 46+49= 13. 54+ 56= 14. 67+ 54 = 15. 75+ 68=

Activity 3

1. 75 +79 2. 114+ 110 3, 248+ 268 = 4. 367 + 351= 5. 145+ 153

6. 186+176 7. 192+ 200 8. 183+ 190= 9.75+81= 10. 216+221=

11. 162+153 12. 240+260 13. 360+390 14. 480 +520 15. 460 +420

Term 4 Maths

Maths weekly plan term 3

Term 4 week 8

WALT:multiplying using proportional adjustment doubling and halving.

Success criteria: Use appropriate strategy to figure out the problem

e.g 3 x 18

6x9 = 54

Term 4 week 7

Stage e7

WALT: multiplying using rounding and compensation.

Success criteria: using the strategy effectively.

explain how the strategy is used.

Activity 2 stage 7

More multiplication

1. 6 x 49 2. 7 x 28 3. 9 x 37 4. 10 x 41

5. 8 x 51 6. 5 x 21 7, 9 x 39 8. 6 x 48

9. 18 X 7 10. 24 X 9 11. 81 X 11 12. 67 x 9

Stage e7

Activity 3

Using multiplication to solve addition and subtraction.

E.g 20+15

(4x5 ) + (3x5) = 7x5

1. (5x8)+ (7x8) = 2. (4x6) +(6x6)= 3. (7x4) + (8x4) =

4.(4x9)+ (5x9)= 5. (7x5) + (4x5)= 6. (9x9)- (6x9)=

Find common factor to solve these addition and subtraction problems.

e.g 24 + 42

(4x6) + (7x6) =

(11x6) = 66

1. 54+27 2.15 +25+50= 3.48+32+80=

4.56-32 5. 81-36 6. 63-35-14

7. 81-27-18 8. 77-35 +14-28 9.450-270 +90

10. 560+320-80 = 80 is the factor

Stage 6

WALT: adding and subtracting using compatible numbers.

Success criteria: use effective strategy to figure it out.

- explain how the strategy is used to figure it out

Students work from NZ Curriculum Stage 5 page 39-41

display on the screen

Activity 2

1. 4+6+8-12= 2. 7+9+ 5+6 -20= 3. 12+8 +9 -21=

4. 9 +11 +5 +6- 20 = 5. 25+30+ 15+10-60= 6. 24 + 14+ 26 -50=

7. 15+25+ 30+5-45= 8. 35+45+ 16+ 10-90= 9. 23+12+17

10. 45 +35+15+25+20-100= 11. 24+36+50+15-60=

Activity 3

subtracting in parts:

  • e.g 53-18= 53 -10-8

=43-3 -5



You may use a number line to work out subtraction questions. Moving backward..

  • 1. 52-15 2.86-17 3.71-18 4. 62-16
  • 5. 51-14 6.81-19 7.61-15 8. 123-17
  • 9. 122-18 10. 132-15 11. 142-27 12. 184-47
  • 13. 282-36 14. 253-48 15.481-57 16. 246-84
  • 17. 379-134 18. 298-135 19, 367-148 20. 512-256

Term 4 week 6

Stage e7

WALT : subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

Success criteria: use appropriate strategy to figure it out.

Activity 1

Subtract using a tidy number and then compensate.

e.g 145-39

145- 39+1

145-40 = 105 +1


Use the above strategy for the following questions.

1. 92-29 = 63 2. 246-17= 219 3. 588-69 = 519 4. 375-48 = 32 7 5. 483- 87 = 396 6. 289- 68= 121

7. 184-117= 7 7 8. 678-126 =

552 9. 635- 248 10. 987- 367

Activity 2

Turn around to subtract. E.g 85-23 = 23+ _______=85

23+ 7+50+5 =85


1. 75-31 2. 95-46 3. 98-46 4. 125-34 5. 315-97

6. 217-105 7. 568-213 8. 478-268 9. 879-456 10. 873-389

11. 175-62 12. 684-354 14. 591-278 15. 809-348 16. 563- 329

Activity 3

Use one of the strategies to work out these questions.

Tidy number then compensate or turn around to subtract

1. 575-321 2. 789-389 3. 487-236 4. 892- 658

5. 617- 198 6. 983- 768 7. 294- 109 8. 1267- 879

9. 3456-2345 10. 1934- 375 11. 268-86 12. 491- 235

Stage 6

WALT: subtract using place value partitioning

Success criteria: Show the appropriate strategy to work out.

Activity 1 subtract using place value partitioning

eg 175- 34 =


5-4 =1

140+1= 141

1. 127-35 = 2. 148-65 3.129-54 4. 145-62 5.157-85 6. 158-84

7. 1270-560 8 1580-730 9. 2380- 560 10. 2170-640

Activity 2

Use place value partitioning:

e.g 259-123=


50-20 = 30

9-3= 6



1. 457-134 2. 426-214 3. 658-325 4. 536-222 5. 398-156

6. 746-435 7. 1868-506 8. 3569-1324 9. 4946-2613 11. 6835-2603

12. 7584-3421 13. 9537- 6016

Activity 3

More place value partitioning.

1. 96-37 2.98-46 3.134-107 4. 269-138

5. 709-148 6. 743 -681 7. 1245-832 8.4561- 2435

9. 2369-1020 10. 1005- 475 11. 9872- 6734 12. 3415- 1335

Term 4 week 5

Stage e7

WALT: make equal addition or subtraction on both sides of equal sign.

Success criteria : figure it out to make equal equations (balance)

Use addition or subtraction strategies to work out the problem.

Example : ___5_____+7 = 4 +___8_____

15+24 = ______+ 30

Work on equal questions on page 76-77 NZ Maths St6 blue

Activity 2

1. 54 + _____= 48 + 74 2. 65 + 27 = 56 + ______

3. 65+ 105 = _____+ 124 4. 68 + _____ = 97 -7

5. 145+ _____ = 168+ 104 6. 98+ _____ = 88+ _____

7. 194 + ____= 341- 64 8. 243+ ____= 379- 79

9. 456+ 135= 375+ _____ 10. 385+75= 360+______

Stage 6

WALT: Using equal sign to balance both sides of the equations

Success criteria: work out to balance both sides of the equation


25-8 =27-10 34+43 = 37+40

Activity 1 Mathematics workbook pg 35

Activity 2

1. 43+37 = _____+30 2. 54+64 = 60+_____

3.59+ 68 = 70+ _____ 4. _____+98= 100 +90

5. 97+120= 127+_____ 6. 88+ 75 = 90+______

7.136+ ____=184+ 35 8.105+45 = 165- ____

9. ___ + 320 = 330+ 15 10. 240+ 75 = 65 + _____

Stage e7

WALT: Solving addition problems by adding tidy number and then subtract a small number to compensate

Success criteria : Show the work by using a number line.

Stage 6

WALT: Solve some addition numbers by adjusting one number to the nearest hundred.

Rounding and compensating a tidy number

Success criteria : Work out the problem by using a tidy number.

Stage e7

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems.

Success Criteria: figure out problems without error.

Activity 1

Work on the above 5 number line questions in your Maths book.Use the example given above.

Activity 2

Use your own number lines to solve the following questions.

1. 56 + ? = 84 56 +4 +24= 84

2. 73 + ? = 123

3. 69 + ? = 95

4. 36+ ? = 112

Stage 6

WALT : use tidy numbers to solve problems.

Success Criteria : show a strategy to solve addition problems

E.g 27+ ? =75

27+ 3= 30 and 30 + 45= 75

3 +45= 48

so 27 + 48 = 75

Follow the above example to figure out the following questions in your book.Make sure you follow all the steps to show your work.

1. 68 + ? = 104 2. 18 + ? = 73 3. 36 + ? = 93

4. 29 + ? = 115 5. 48 + ? = 121 6. 117 + ? = 172

7. 159 + ? + 183 8. 266 + ? = 294 9.345 + ? = 475

10. 298 + ? =683 11. 423 + ? = 546 12. 367 +? = 729

stage e7

WALT: use place value partitioning strategies to solve addition problems.

Success criteria: solve Maths problems using strategies.

finding how many tens and hundreds in a number.

Activity page 43

To be copied in your Maths book.

Stage 6

WALT: jump through a tidy number on a number line to solve problems like 17 + ----- = 81

success criteria: Figure out problems using number lines.

Activity page 44

Copy in your Maths book

E.g expanding numbers :

  • 4567 = 4000 +500+60+7
  • 721459= 700000+20000+1000+400+50+9

Stage 3-4

WALT: add double numbers up to 20 eg 4+4 = 8 9+9 +18

success criteria = complete follow up activities.

Revision of the week

Stage e7

1. 543 +_______ = 700 2. 248 +__________ =600 3. 567 + _________ =800

4. 654 + ________ = 900 5. 391 + _________ = 700 6. 472 + ________ = 700

6. _______ + 321 = 800 7. ______ + 567 = 1000 8. ________+ 118 = 500

9. 684 + ______ = 1300 10 . 582 + _______ =1400

Revision of the week

Jumping on the number line

1. 34 + ________ = 69 2. 46 +______ = 87 3. 67+ ________= 135

4. 28 + ________ = 79 5. 92 + _______= 146 6. 98 + _______ = 192

7. 57 + ________= 132 8.176 + ______= 210 9. 74 + ______= 108

10. 231 = ______= 297 11. 54+ ______= 72 12 . 83+ ______ =167

Stage e7

WALT: use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; adding Tens and Ones.

Split and recombine. E.g 74+8 = as 74 +8 = 74+6+2=82

Success Criteria: Apply the strategy in adding two digit numbers;

Children will explain how they used the strategy to solve problems.

Activity 1

1. 87 + 35 = 2. 56+48 = 3. 52+ 41 4. 47+ 54= 5. 24+37=

6. 36+41= 7. 19+12= 8. 16+28= 9. 14+18= 10. 43+57 =

11. 29 +34 12. 55+36 = 13. 42+56 14. 37+46= 15. 33+45=

Activity 2


1. 14 +9= 2. 22+7= 3. 35+13= 4. 16+ 17= 5. 16+ 19=

6. 28+5= 7. 67 + 13 = 8. 18 +24= 9. 35+25 = 10. 46+30=

11. 29 +16 = 12. 64+21= 13. 26+24= 14. 39+56= 15. 67+15=

16. 55+19= 17. 35+13 = 18. 22+16 = 19. 43+26= 20. 47+45 =


1. 18+15 = 2. 43+ 38 = 3. 51+46= 4. 34+ 28= 5. 75+ 68=

6. 89+64= 7. 97+66= 8. 94+136= 9. 135+162 10. 176+149=

11. 147+159= 12. 189 + 107 13. 155+185= 14. 162+198= 15. 238+133=

Stage 6

WALT: Use simple additive strategy using whole numbers; smart doubling. E,g 26+25= 25+25+1=51

Success Criteria: Use the strategy to solve questions.

Children will be able to explain how to solve problems using the strategy.

Doubling Along

To work out 9 + 8 says 8 + 8 = 16 and adds 1 to give 17.

Use the above method to work out these:

Activity 1

1. 14 +13 = 2. 23+ 27= 3. 18+ 24 = 4. 35+46 =

5.17+28 = 6. 34+ 48= 7. 36+ 19= 8. 31+42 =

9.18 +21= 10 . 26+ 28= 11. 14+16= 12. 49 + 51=

13. 23+ 25= 14. 24+ 27 = 15. 32+35= 16. 41+ 44=

To work out 8 + 12 Ariana takes 2 away from the 12 to leave 10 and adds this 2 to the 8 to give 10. So 8 + 12 is the same as 10 + 10 = 20

Use Ariana’s method to work out these:

  • Activity 2

1. 16+20 = 2. 18+ 24 = 3. 26 +32= 4. 35+ 43= 5. 17 + 25 =

6. 27 + 33 7. 53+ 59 8.14+ 18 9. 19+ 21 = 10. 25+ 31=

11. 23+ 26= 12. 46+49= 13. 54+ 56= 14. 67+ 54 = 15. 75+ 68=

Activity 3

1. 75 +79 2. 114+ 110 3, 248+ 268 = 4. 367 + 351= 5. 145+ 153

6. 186+176 7. 192+ 200 8. 183+ 190= 9.75+81= 10. 216+221=

11. 162+153 12. 240+260 13. 360+390 14. 480 +520 15. 460 +420

Task 10/1

Which fraction is bigger?

1. 3/4 4/5

2. 7/8 5/6

3. 5/7 2/4

4. 9/10 6/8

Change these fractions into mixed numbers.

7/5 9/7 8/3 10/4 5/3 11/4

Find the missing number in the equivalent fractions.

1. 4/5 = 12/

2. 7/ = 21/27

3 3/5 = /25

4. 6/9 = 36/

5. 1/4 = /16

Order the following fractions from the smallest to the biggest.

1. 5/7 3/4 1/3 2/3

2. 7/9 5/6 2/3 4/7

3. 5/7 9/11 8/13 11/12

4. 3/4 2/6 5/7 9/10

5. 8/10 6/9 7/9 10/11

6. 7/12 9/13 7/9 4/8

Term 3 week 9

Stage 5& 6

WALT: Order fractions of the same denominator and different denominators.

success criteria: use different strategies to order fractions.

be able to order fractions from the smallest to biggest.


Order fractions of the same denominator.

1. 1/5 3/5 5 /7 2/5

2. 3/7 2/7 1/7 4/7

3. 4/9 3/9 7/9 5/9

4. 5/10 3/10 5/10 4/10

5. 3/12 7/12 4/12 9/12


1. 2/10 3/9 4/5

2. 3/4 5/6 2/4

3 5/7 6/9 7/8

4. 7/9 5/10 4/7

5. 8/10 4/7 5/9

6. 3/4 2/6 3/6

7. 4/8 3/7 5/9

8. 9/12 5/9 4/10

9. 6/12 7/10 5/11

10. 2/8 3/5 7/9


Change the following improper fractions into mixed numbers.

1. 4/3 5/4 7/5 9/6 8/4 10/3

12/5 13/3

Change the following mixed numbers into improper fractions:

2. 1 whole and 3/4

3 whole and 1/5

2 whole and 1/6

1 whole and 3/6

2 whole and 1/8

4 whole and 1/4

Fraction & Ratio Story Problems Term 3 Week 8

stage 7&8

WALT: find a fraction of a set.

Success criteria: be able to work out a set of fractions

Use a range of strategies to figure it out.

Teacher demonstrates how to work out a set of fractions then students work on the follow-up activities.

Work on the following slide.

Fraction term 3 2018

stage 7&8

Activity 2

Find a set of fractions.

1. 1/4 of 20 2 . 1/3 of 27

3. 3/4 of 32 4. 1/5 of 45

5. 1/5 of 60 6. 3/5 of 45

7. 3/7 of 49 8 . 3/9 of 81

9. 2/3 of 36 10. 5/10 of 150

Term 3 week 8

Stage 5 and 6

WALT : find fractions of a set

Success criteria : figure out to find a set of fractions

Start with every day warm up basic facts or number of the day

Use beans how to find out a set of fractions

Teacher model few questions then students work in a group by their own.

Watch supporting link and work follow- up activities.

Numeracy activities pg 19

Stage 7 and 8

WALT ; order fractions with mixed denominators.

Success criteria: use strategies to compare and figure out which one is big.

Start with every day warm-up basic facts or number of the day

Teacher model how to compare fractions.

Children work on practice questions.

Stage 5&6 Activity 1

Order the following fractions from the smallest to the biggest.Put the fractions on a number line between 0 and 1.

1. 1/3 1/5 1/4

2. 2/3 3/5 3/4

3. 5/6 2/4 4/6

4. 7/9 3/6 5/9

5. 2/3 4/7 6/8

6. 1/4 3/5 2/6

7. 5/7 4/7 3/5

8. 3/9 4/5 5/4

9. 7/9 5/7 3/4

10. 3/6 4/9 5/10

Circle Group Week 6 Term 3 2017
ordering fractions


Put The following fractions in order from the smallest to the biggest. Write the answers on your Maths book.

1. 1/3 1/2 1/4

2. 2/3 3/5 2/4

3. 3/4 5/7 3/8

4. 5/9 4/7 6/9

5. 5/6 1/5 3/5

6. 7/9 5/8 4/5

7. 10/11 7/10 5/8

8. 9/7 7/9 3/6

9. 6/7 4/6 3/7

10. 12/36 3/15 6/9


Work out which fraction is bigger. Show the work in your book.

1. 3/4 4/5

2. 2/4 2/3

3. 3/5 3/6

4. 1/5 2/8

5. 3/9 1/4

6. 5/9 5/10

7. 4/6 5/7

8. 9/10 10/11

9. 8/12 6/9

10. 7/10 8/12

Term 3 week 6

Early Five

WALT finding fractions of a set.

Success criteria: figure out a fraction of a set.

use materials to work out

Example 4+4 =8

so 1/2 of 8 = 4

Work out the activities on pg 154-155

Fraction activities pg 17

Stage five

WALT: order fractions with mixed denominator.

work out fractions to compare and order.

Fraction circles

Numeracy activities pg 17

New strategy using images

Eg what is bigger 3/4 or 1/4

Ordering fractions NZ curriculum stage 5 pg 170-171

For daily task see Maths tumble above.

Term 3 week 5

Stage 6

WALT: order fractions with mixed denominator.

Success criteria: Figure out fractions and put them in order.

complete a range of activities to put fractions in order.

For daily time table see the Maths tumble.

Stage 7

WALT: identify the smallest fraction from a set

Success criteria: Use a range of strategies to identify the smallest fractions.

Complete a range of follow-up activities

For daily time table see the Maths tumble

Stage 8

WALT: convert%to fraction and decimal

Success criteria : able to use one or more strategies to convert % to fraction and decimal.

For daily time table see the Maths tumble.

Term 3 Maths week 4

Stage 6

WALT: order fractions with mixed denominators.

Success criteria : be able to work out fractions to put in order.

Learning experience

Warm -up practice

Work out the following fractions:

the smallest fraction
Copy of IKAN Practice Fraction Activities (Term 3 Week 1).xlsx
ordering fractions

Teacher time

work out ordering mixed fractions.

e.g 3/5 5/7 2/3

5/9 4/7 3/4

compare fraction activities

order fractions on a number line using fraction card.

order fractions revision questions

stage 7

WALT:identify the smallest fractions from the set.

Success criteria: put fractions from smallest to biggest and vise versa.

Learning experience:

work out smaller fractions by using common multiples.

eg 5/7 4/5 5/7 x 5/5 4/5 x 7/7

Numeracy activities pg 17


Activity 3

Copy in your book, identify and circle the smallest fraction.

1. 1/4 1/2 3/4 1/5

2. 3/9 2/6 1/4 4/5

3. 5/6 7/9 3/4 1/6

4. 2/5 4/3 3/7 5/7

5. 2/6 3/5 5/7 4/6

6. 5/7 6/9 11/13 5/4

7. 4/10 6/9 4/8 4/5

8. 5/9 2/8 3/9 7/10

stage 8

WALT: convert % to fraction and decimals

Success Criteria: Capable of working out percentage to fraction and decimals.

Watch the video and work on the follow-up questions

Convert % to fraction activities (AWS)

Work out percentage activities pg 34

From Numeracy activities book

working out percentages


Match the fractions and %. put your answer in your book.

2/5 75%

3/5 37,5%

3/4 60%

3/8 40%


1/8 10%

1/3 66.6%

2/3 33.3%

1/10 12.5%

Term 3 Maths Week 3

Stage 6

WALT: order fractions of mixed denominator.

Success criteria: Order a set of fractions from a smaller to biggest and vise versa.

learning experience day 1

Work with teacher

Use teaching fraction,decimals and percentages book 7 pg 9

Explain the halves,quarters and eighths to relate with doubling and halving.

Activity one

order fractions worksheet

Day two

fractions on IKAN click this link

Activity two

Day three

More activities on ordering fractions

Activity three

Practice more fractions from this link

Day four

Fraction revision

Copy these fractions in your Maths book and order them from the smallest to the biggest.

Stage 7

WALT: identify the smallest fraction from a set.

Success criteria:Be able to use a strategies to find out the smallest fraction from the set.

  • Learning experiences

Fraction circles warm -up worksheet

Use Mathematics workbook pg 7

compare fractions

Which fraction is smaller ? why ? How do you know?

eg 1/4 2/3 1/5 3/4 5/7 4/5

Activity one

Follow up activity pg 7

Day two

Continue to work on fractions:

Compare fractions and mixed numbers click the link

Day three


Activity 2

NZ curriculum stage 6 pg 141

counting on and back in fractions.

Day four

Revised questions ; activity 3

Copy the following fractions on your Maths book and identify the smallest fractions by circling.

1. 1/3 2/4 2. 4/5 3/5

3. 1/5 2/6 4. 4/7 3/4

5. 2/8 1/7 6. 3/9 4/6

7. 10/11 8/9 8. 11/13 9/10

9. 5/8 7/9 10. 7/12 6/13

Stage 8

WALT : convert % to fractions to decimals

Success criteria: Use a range of strategies to convert % into fractions and decimals effectively.

Day one

Watch the following link:

What percentages are the following fractions:

  • 1/4 2/3 3/4 1/6 3/5 2/4

Learning experience

What is percentage?

Maths work book year 6 pg 8

Day two

Activity 1

Questions on pg 8

Day three

More fraction .decimals and percentages

Unit 7 Exploring numbers

Day four

Teacher time

explain sample questions

3/10 = 30% = 0.30 2/5 = 40% = 0.40

work on the gaps percentage to fractions and fractions to percentage.

worksheet on percentages Excel essential skills Pg 25

Term 3 week 2

maths slide2

stage 6

WALT: change improper fractions to mixed and vise versa.

Success criteria: be able to change improper fractions as mix numbers.

Learning experiences

3 2/3 5 3/4 7 1/4 4 1/3

Multiply the denominator by the whole number then add the numerator the new number will be the numerator.

The denominator remains the same.

stage 7

WALT: identify equivalent fractions.

Success criteria: Be able to use strategies to identify equivalent fractions.

Day 1

Starter IKAN fraction part 4

Equivalent Fraction practice

Teacher time

Explain how these fractions are equivalent

3/4 = 6/8 = 12/16 30/40

work out the denominator or the numerator

3/4 = /20 12 / /24 21/ /36

Day 2 &3

Equivalent fractions


NZ curriculum pg 163

More fractions worksheet -Equivalent fractions

Day 4


Find out the missing number to create equivalent fractions.

1. 3/4 = /16 2. 5 /7= /35 3. 7/9 = 42/ 4. 9/11 = 27/ 5. 12/36 = 6/

6. 21/35 = 3/ 7. 1/6 = /36 8. 15/ = 3/7 9. 4/28 = 2/ 10. 10/40 = /4

Fractions figure it out level 3-4

book 1

Stage 8

WALT: order a set of fractions with different denominators

Success criteria: Be able to use strategies to compare fractions.

Day 1

Maths work book Year 6 pg 7

Comparing fractions

Teacher time

Identify gaps and consolidate learning

Day 2

Maths box fun fraction Red card

Day 3 IkAN fractions stage 8 part 3

Day 3

Ordering fractions task 4

Arrange the like fractions

Fraction games

Order the following fractions from the smallest to the biggest.

1. 3/4 2/4 1/4

2. 3/5 4/5 2/4 2/8

3. 1/5 1/7 2/5 3/6 6/8

4. 3/9 4/9 5/9 4/8 2/9

5. 3/10 1/10 3/15 4/5 5/15

Day 4

Teacher time quick revision

Work on fraction questions (revision).

AWS worksheet

Term 3 Maths week 1

Maths weekly plan term 3

Stage 6

WALT:Convert a mixed number to an improper fraction,and vice versa

Success criteria:

  • Be able to convert improper fraction to mixed numbers.
  • Be able to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.


Click the link and complete Fraction revision. 1.1

Learning experience:

What is a mixed number ? why do we call mixed number?

3 2/3 4 3/4

improper fractions:

4/3 7/5 9/7 5/3


NZ curriculum stage 6 pg 170


More fraction AWS fraction worksheet.

Teacher time

Identify gaps and extend learning


NZ curriculum pg 41


Maths box/ IKAN

stage 7

WALT: I can recognize equivalent fractions.

Success criteria: be able to create more equivalent fractions.

Explain why the fractions are equivalent.


Fraction knowledge activities /revision

Teacher time:

NZ Curriculum pg 162


More activities on equivalent fractions.

NZ Curriculum pg 163


AWS Fraction worksheet


IKAN Stage 7 part 4

Stage 8

WALT: order a set fractions fractions with a different denominator.

Success criteria: Be able to order fractions from smallest to biggest and vise versa.


Work on compare fractions and mixed numbers. see j10

Teacher time:

  • Compare fractions and mixed numbers :

Explain and model how to compare fractions.


Maths box : Fraction fun red 1,2


IKAN Stage 8 part 3

Term three week 2

Stage 7


Success criteria:

Learning experiences

Stage 8


Success criteria:

learning experience