Word Study


WALT: change a singular noun to a plural nouns.

Success Criteria;

  • When I know the difference between a singular noun and plural nouns.
  • When I understand the spelling conventions for plurals.
  • I know that to spell a plural it usually. depends on the way the singular noun ends.


Spelling City List

Plural Noun Rules .pdf

'ow' Sound

WALT: how to spell words with the 'ow' sound.

Success Criteria;

  • When 'ow' is a the end of a syllable or word, it is usually written ow.
  • When 'ow' is at the start of , or inside a syllable, it is written ou.
  • Words that are end 'own' or 'owl' commonly use ow.


Follow up Task

  • Divide the below words into syllables and write the definition for each word. Using an online dictionary if necessary.

devour rowdy

coward empower

surround compound

accountant chowder