Mental Health and Well-being 

At HWA we recognise the importance of positive mental health and well being for staff, pupils and parents and the impact that they have on our happiness, life satisfaction and positive functioning. Within our school we have a trained ELSA TA, a school counsellor, a Family Support Worker and  a Young Carers lead.

In addition our Principal is a trained Senior Mental Health Lead as is our lead MH & WB lead teacher, Mrs Mears; our SENDCo Miss Grace has also undertaken additional training.

Our academy systems and policies are aligned to provide a strong ethos and environment where prevention, identification, early support and access to specialist support exists for all stakeholders.Overtime we have developed both our understanding and identification of mental health needs as well as our whole school, targeted school based interventions  and referral approach to specialist support services in order to provide both universal and graduated approach to support for mental health and well being. 

We aim for all of our children, staff and families to be able to recognise their potential, work productively, cope with every day stressors, have a sense of belonging and purpose and to be able to access the right support when needed. This links with our character education; resilience, self regulation tool, mindset, participation/motivation, mindfulness.

At Hazelwood Academy we:

Mental Health Resources

Mindfulness Activities

Joyful June 2024.pdf

Videos from the Academy's Student Counsellor: Colleen Smith

Goal setting 4.mp4


In this video, Colleen talks about feelings and planning for change.  

You will need pens/pencils and paper while you watch this video.  

Anxiety and the brain.mp4

Anxiety and the brain

Colleen shares information on our brains and how they work!  She also talks about stress, fear and anxiousness.  

Colleen shares a story which helps to explain anxiety and what happens to our bodies.  

14 Day Wellbeing Challenge


Twinkl Home Education Blog for Parents

Where parents can find supporting resources and activities to support children's education, wellbeing and development. In addition, we have a wide range of games and crafts available for family fun!

Action for children is hand to support parents when you need us. Browse our articles on the most common parenting questions from our experts. Or talk one-to-one with a qualified parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you. It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.

Free and confidential live chat with parenting staff. Chat online or request a call back when it’s convenient for you. 

Need urgent help? If you're worried about a child’s safety, call NSPCC on 0808 800 5000. If you're worried about a child’s health, call 111. In an emergency, call 999. 

Young Minds Helplines:

Parents Helpline: Parents Helpline directly on 0808 802 between 9:30am-4pm

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger:  text YM to 85258 for free 24/7 support

The Young Minds website is here:

Further websites offering advice for young children:

Anna Freud: Advice and guidance for parents and carers

The Children’s Society: See, Hear, Respond