Admissions Arrangements

Admission Arrangements

Lift Schools is the admissions authority for Hazelwood Academy. 

Applications for places at the academy will be made in accordance with  Local Authority’s  (Swindon Borough Council)  co-ordinated admission arrangements. They will be made on the Common Application Form and administered by the the applicant’s home Local Authority. 


Please click below to download the admissions arrangements for next academic year:

HWA Admissions 2024 -2025

HWA Admissions 2025-2026

HWA Admissions 2026-2027

Any objections to the determined admission arrangements should be submitted to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) 

Below is the local authority link for admissions [and also a guidance booklet to assist you in the process.]

Primary School Admissions

Swindon Coordinated Scheme and Admission Arrangements

In-Year Applications/ Admissions process

In-year admissions are applications made outside the normal round of admissions from the 1 September until the following 31 August . The Local Authority will coordinate the academy’s in-year admissions and an application should be made directly to the Local Authority using the online in-year application form. Further information about the local authority’s in-year co-ordination scheme and application form can be accessed via link here. On receipt of an in-year application, the Local Authority will notify the Academy of both the application and its outcome if it is successful.

If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 01793 497250 or

Please visit Parents page for more information about the Term Dates, Academy Uniform, Dinners etc.


Ofsted Registered Pre-School Tax-Free 2, 3 and 4 Year Old Childcare

All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours of free early education. Hazelwood Academy offers places to children from 2 to 11 years. The Nursery is an integral part of the Academy and offers purpose-built facilities, an exciting environment, and enthusiastic and committed staff. We have been awarded the Bristol Standard for Quality Improvement from Birth to Five, which recognises the strength of provision in our Early Years. Children are given every opportunity to thrive with staff and parents/carers working together to ensure each child fulfils their potential.

In order to register a child for a Nursery place, please contact the school office directly or  you can submit an online application via the links below:

Sparrows (2yr old) Nursery Application 

Hummingbirds (3yr old) Nursery Application

There are 3 Nursery School Terms across the School Academic year as follows:

These are in line with the terms for which Swindon Borough provide Nursery funding. The majority of placements are usually fulfilled at the beginning of a term, although limited places may still be available during mid-term.


If you are looking for a funded place, these may be available from the term following your child’s 2nd or 3rd birthday (as appropriate), and must be applied for and confirmed prior to your child starting at the Nursery.

2 to 3 yrs old (15hrs funding) – Children may eligible to funding depending upon circumstances – please see Swindon Borough Council leaflet D1055/14 (Free, high quality childcare for 2 year olds), and complete ‘Early Education For 2 Year Olds Application Form’. The form should be sent to the address on the form, or alternatively you can call 07823525441 

Funding is usually based upon benefits already being claimed and/or household income. If funding has been agreed, please notify us of the Parent/Guardian National Insurance Number(s) and Date of Birth on the application form, for validation purposes with Swindon Borough.

3 to 4 year old (15 hrs funded) - Children are automatically entitled to 15 hours free funding per week, applicable from the term following their 3rd birthday.

3 to 4 year olds (30hrs funded) - From September 2017, 30hr funding may available to working parent(s) meeting specified criteria –visit the Government website at -helpchildren for further information, and to complete an application. This must be applied for during the term before funding is to be used. If funding has been agreed, you will be provided with an 11 digit code. Please enter this code on the Nursery application form, along with the Parent/Guardian National Insurance Number(s) and Date of Birth, and a copy of the notification you have received confirming the funded period. This is for validation purposes with Swindon Borough Council.

REMINDER: You must apply for 30hr funding via the Childcare parenting website, This must be applied for the term prior to the start of the funded period ie if your child turns 3 from 1st January to 31st March or your circumstances change within this period and you believe you may be eligible, applications for 30hr funding must be made by 15th March for funding to be available from the beginning of the following term ie April.

For all funded nursery provision, Parents/Guardians will be issued a Hazelwood Academy Parental Agreement and a ‘Parental Declaration Form for Early Education and Childcare. These will require completion and must be returned to the school office at least 2 weeks prior to the child’s start date. Failure to return forms may result in a nursery place being deferred or your application being put on the waiting list.

Should you have any queries regarding any Government funding, please visit the website. Please note: You need to renew your code throughout the year, keep an eye out for emails.


Nursery Fees will be applicable for children enrolled prior to any funding start date. Fees are payable monthly. Invoices will be issued termly at the beginning of term, and will identify payment dates and fees due. These will also confirm sessions being charged and/or funded. Invoices will NOT be issued if you are fully funded. You have the option to pay monthly or in lump sum.

Holidays/Absences All Hazelwood Academy Teacher Training Days, School Holidays and Bank Holidays also apply to Nursery, and are not charged for.

Any holidays arranged by parents for Nursery children during school term time must be notified to the School Office in advance. These days will continue to be charged for at the usual rate. Note: if your child is funded, the Borough will not fund any single period in excess of 4 weeks. Please ensure you advise the school office in advance of potential absences of this duration. If paying, absences due to sickness and/ or medical appointments, including hospitalisation, will still require payment of fees for the duration of the absence. If funded, and you believe the absence may be in excess of 4 weeks, please advise the school office as soon as possible.

Nursery Session Fees

2 year old Nursery (Sparrows): 

3 hour session /half day - £18.00

Sessions Times: 8:30am to 11:30am or 12:15pm to 3:15pm

3 year old Nursery (Hummingbird):

3 hour (half) session - £14.00 Sessions Times: 8:30am to 11:30am or 12:15pm to 3:15pm

 Lunch Break - £3.50 - Sessions Time: 11:30am to 12:15pm

 Full Day - £31.50 - Session Times: 8:30am to to 3:15pm


The law says your child must attend school full time from the start of the term following his or her fifth birthday.  In Swindon children can begin school from the September after their fourth birthday. 

Within this policy, full-time education will be made available for all autumn and spring born pupils from the beginning of the autumn term.  Pupils who become five between April and August will be able to receive half-time education during the autumn term.  Full-time education for such pupils can commence from January. This can be explained as follows:- 

Although this policy will enable your child to take advantage of a three year infant course, there is no obligation on you to send your child to school until s/he reaches statutory school age (i.e. the beginning of the term after his/her fifth birthday). You decide, within the law and the Borough Council’s policy, when you wish your child to start school. 

Schools may not require children to be admitted to school before statutory school age. Even children who have already started school in other parts of the country and then moved to Swindon cannot be admitted early unless there are very exceptional social or medical reasons.

Children living within the designated area of the school have priority for admission provided that their parents formally register them for school before the deadline date, which is usually during February.  Children from outside the designated area of Hazelwood Academy will only be admitted if the admission limit for the year group they will be entering has not been reached and their registration is made before the deadline date. The limit currently stands at 30. It should be noted that class sizes in Key Stage 1 are legally limited to 30, which means that a child may be refused admission if this would result in class sizes of more than 30. 

Please follow the link to Swindon Borough Council Website below to apply for a place for your child at Hazelwood Academy: