Attendance Matters

Attend today and acheive tomorrow - make every day count!

At Hazelwood Academy we place high importance on regular attendance and punctuality of pupils.

 Much of the work children miss when they are absent is never made up and this can leave children at a disadvantage for the remainder of their school career. Attending school is therefore vital if your child is to achieve their full potential.

We believe good attendance is everyone's responsibility and therefore we aim to work with parents, pupils and staff across the school to ensure all pupils achieve the maximum possible attendance. 

What should I do if my child is absent from school ?

 Phone the school office on 01793 497 250 and leave a message on the school absence line


Send an e-mail to

Is my child too ill for school?

This NHS Guide includes a link to UK Government Guidelies to support parents and carers

The target attendance figure for all pupils is a minimum of 97% attendance. 

Our current whole school data is as follows...


2023/4 attendance target


2023/4 YTD attendance 


last weeks attendance 

At Hazelwood Academy we track each child's attendance percentage against the SOL Attendance Diamond (below).

We then review the attendance patterns of every child, every week. If attendance is falling week on week we will contact you to check in and see if any support measures are needed.  As a parent it is your legal duty to ensure your child attends school and we want to help you overcome any difficulties you may encounter. 

It is important that parents/carers monitor single day’s absence, as these days soon add up to weeks. 

Our aim is to address any issues before any pupils attendance falls down to a level where a significant amount of learning is lost.

If you are concerned your child's Attendance there are important steps that you can take:

At Hazelwood Academy we also take the time to celebrate and reward children who attend the academy each day and whose attendance is improving:

● A daily attendance Dojo point is awarded to each pupil every day they are in school. This weekly total is doubled if a pupil has attended all week 

● An ‘In to Win’ randomised draw takes place on Mondays in each class the winner gets a special class privilege 

● The Class attendance mascot ' Flex the Fox'   is awarded during Fridays assembly to the class with best weekly attendance overall. 

Termly Green Group (>97% draw)  takes place on the last day of term in whole school assembly. every child with termly attendance >97% will be entered into the draw for a £50 Asda Voucher and seasonal prize. 

Termly 'Most improved attendee' also awarded on the last day of term in whole school assembly. 

Please see below for key attendance documents including:

HWA Parent's Guide to Attendance 

A practical guide to the school's and the parent's procedures and responsibilities when reporting, monitoring, requesting and rewarding attendance.

HWA Attendance Policy

Policy detailing the Academy's overall approach to attendance

HWA Request for Absence form 

If you do need to request term time absence please complete the 'Request for absence form' This must be completed at least 2 weeks in advance of the proposed absence. In truly exceptional circumstance leave may be authorised. Please note time off for holidays in term time is always unauthorised.

HWA Parents guide to attendance Sept 23.pdf
HWA Attendance Policy 2021-23
190603_Request for Absence form.doc